Dealing With The Stress of Online School
Taking classes will give you a lot of advantages when it comes to acquiring a type of college degree.
One thing to keep in mind is that stress is a huge factor of online learning. It is also one factor that you need to address actively in order to manage it. The fact that we are in the midst of a global pandemic also does not make things any easier.
If, like so many other students, you have had to transition to online learning, the tips and tricks listed below can really go a long way in helping you achieve success. Read on to find out more about these tips.
Make Sure You Have a Quiet Place to Study In
Owing to the fact that you will not have to attend any physical classes, it is imperative that you find a quiet place to study and work on your assignments. This is very important with regards to focus. This can literally be any place in your home. It could be the kitchen, the living room, or even an outdoor patio if you are privileged enough to have one. To even consider Mathematics A Levels online, or any other online course for that matter, it is essential you have space in which to work. Without a quiet place at home or easy access to a library, your workload will become much heavier.
Having the entire family cooped up in the home all the time can really feel and be a bit distracting. Then you also have to factor in that a lot of online classes need you to participate. Therefore, it is very important that you have a quiet place to study and to participate in class. ts.
Time Management is Essential
A lot of online classes will often meet on a weekly or a bi-weekly basis or they can even be throughout the week. It is very important to mention here that online classes require more than just average time management skills. The student is expected to be able to maintain their own schedule for studying and doing homework. It is very important that you are self-motivated and self-driven in order to be able to be successful at this level.
A few good examples of proper time management are listed below:
Task Calendar: Make sure that you make a calendar that has all the assignments and coursework listed. Make sure that you have noted down all the due dates.
Taking help from others: Very often, we will have someone in our families who may really be able to help you with your homeworks and assignments. If you have someone like this in your household, take their help.
Staying organized: This will apply with life in general but the thing that we want to stress here is the importance of a clutter free workspace. Make sure that all the resources we will need in order to work effectively have been organized properly.
Stay in Touch With Your Lecturers
If you find yourself a bit overwhelmed with the entire online class requirements, make sure that you convey this to your instructors. It is literally their job to help you with any issues that you are facing. You should be able to communicate with them through a lot of different mediums, be it email, FaceTime, Zoom, etc. These people are experts at handling this sort of situation and their valuable opinion can really bring about a lot of positive effects.
Keep in Touch With Other Students
This is yet another thing that is a pretty basic suggestion. If you get to know your classmates, then you will be able to see that a lot of them are going through the same kind of stressors that you are. This can be of great help as you can relate with one another.
Also, it is also very likely that you may run into some problems with your assignments and homework. In this type of case, it is a good idea to consult with fellow classmates. They might even be going through the exact same problem that you are dealing with. Knowing that there are others out there who are dealing with the same kind of issues can be somewhat comforting.
Plus, there is always the benefit of getting to learn from each other. They may well be able to solve the problem that you are facing. You may be able to help them with something that they are struggling with. In this way, you can all help each other out.
Relax and Energize Yourself with Light Therapy
Dealing with stress by yourself can be a very daunting task. One thing that happens way more often than it should be is that students often develop anxiety issues when studying online. This is a very serious issue and needs to be dealt with seriously.
In fact, according to a lot of studies, a lot more students are reporting anxiety issues than they previously were before the pandemic. While it may all sound a bit gloomy and make you even more anxious, there is good news however.
One of the most popular forms of therapy in the world right now is light therapy. This therapy method is not only extremely safe and effective, it also does not have any known side effects. Light that passes through a red light lens has significant health benefits, including stress and fatigue removal.
This is a great therapy device to have at your disposal if you are having issues with anxiety and not being able to relax.
Knowing when to switch off and just be is a very important thing when it comes to proper time management when studying online. You will be under a lot of stress, so it is important to know when to shut off and just relax. Light therapy can really help with this issue.
Then there is also the fact that due to covid, you are probably not getting enough sleep and sunlight as you are locked down in your home. Light therapy is an excellent solution to both issues.