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Iceni Magazine | May 17, 2024

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6 Simple Ways to De-Stress During the Pandemic

6 Simple Ways to De-Stress During the Pandemic

A pandemic can have a toll on your mental well-being. Work at home schedule, information overload, and too many safety concerns can be overwhelming to many.

If you are the easily anxious type, you can experience depression in no time. As you try to navigate the trying times, it is crucial to focus on your mental health. Stress management and coping mechanisms are vital during a pandemic. Here are simple ways you can de-stress during the pandemic.

Take a break

Most people get nervous when they hear about what is happening around them during a pandemic. For instance, the news is currently awash with reported cases of COVIS-19 deaths and infections. Getting exposed to such negative happenings can be stressful to take. Go on a self-imposed break from social media and news for some time to help you calm. You can focus on the positives to avoid taking your stress levels higher during the pandemic.

Stay engaged with games

Games can be engaging, helping you cope with stress in most trying times. Plan a game night with your family and forget about the rest of the world. Research shows that spending more time with the people you love can help you cope very well with stress and anxiety. Keep yourself engaged with board games, racing games, and other related activities at home. The aim here is to stay busy and unwind.

Practice meditation

Meditation is a proven stress-relieving method that encourages you to focus on the present state without feeling overwhelmed. Meditation can help you assess your physical, emotional, and mental health.  Do you feel overwhelmed by the happenings? Find a comfortable place, sit in silence and meditate. It may not be easy in the beginning, but you will get used to it with time.

Stay connected

As much as you live through a pandemic, you should never ignore the power of social connection. Always create time for family and friends. In case of movement restrictions, find a way to stay connected virtually. Social support is crucial for your mental well-being. Find someone or people you can talk to and share experiences during the pandemic. Stay connected and accessible to reduce stress.


There is no denying that physical exercise is crucial to overall well-being. However, do you know that exercise is a stress-coping strategy? You should. Any form of physical exercise helps in blood circulation, which improves your relaxation. Consider yoga poses, aerobics, and low to medium-intensity workouts to lower your stress levels during the pandemic. There are many online resources that will help you stay active at home during a pandemic.

Take care of yourself

You can experience stress in the form of physical or mental pain. Never ignore the symptoms, no matter how minor they seem. Are you feeling anxious and stressed out? Take a break and focus on your well-being. Schedule a doctor’s visit at any sign of stress or related pains. The good thing is that you can currently schedule a virtual visit to a doctor and have the best care at home.


Never let stress weigh you down during a pandemic. Many people go through what you are experiencing. The difference between getting better and worsening your situation is how you manage it. Use these coping strategies to improve your quality of time and life.


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