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Iceni Magazine | May 18, 2024

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What To Expect From Student Life

What To Expect From Student Life

Becoming a student can be a nerve wracking time in any 18 year old’s life.

You’re suddenly thrust into the adult world, and it can feel like you’ve got a lot to prove. After all, you’re standing on your own two feet for the first time, usually away from home and friends, and you’ve got to make your own way. For many people, it’s hard to adjust to!

Which is why it’s good to know what to expect from student life. Campus life can be different and exciting, and it can sometimes put pressure on you, but it should never be something you can’t face! Here are three top things to know about being a student that you might not realise.

Balancing Studying and Your Social Life Can Be Hard

You’re a student now, and that means late nights, early mornings, and plenty of social activities to keep you on your toes. However, you’ve also got to fit in lectures and class meetings and studying in between all these things – how are you going to manage?

Well, it can be hard to adjust to this balance, and many people need to use a strict schedule to stay on target. However, as long as you’re able to eat, sleep, work and play in equal measure, you’ll soon find your rhythm and be able to adjust without realising it. Take your time, but try not to worry about missing out.

You’ll Need to Set Boundaries with Housemates

When you first move into student accomodation, you’re probably going to have roommates or housemates living with you. You’re all in the same boat here, adjusting to your new life, and you’re all there to support each other with living costs. And whilst it’s a very good idea to make an active effort to get along with those you live with, you need to make sure you set some boundaries as well.

First off, bedrooms are off limits – you can’t just waltz into someone else’s space! Similarly, set boundaries over sharing food, sharing equipment (your roommate can’t just take your laptop without asking, for example), and talk about inviting guests over as well. If someone wants to host a party, they need to clear it with everyone else first!

You’ll Have to Budget Like Never Before

Finally, you’re going to have to run your life on a strict budget. Now, you might have already been expecting this, but for many students this budget is much stricter than they ever thought possible. Even just making a bowl of pasta for dinner might become a weekly treat you can’t afford every day!

Meal planning, buying off brand and second hand, and making an effort to save are the three things that’ll save your overall budget. There are plenty of apps out there to help with this, so download a few to try out.

Remember, student life is different, but it’s a lot of fun – give it a chance to get used to it!

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