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Iceni Magazine | July 23, 2024

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Around The Home

3 Essential Investments To Make In Your Home

July 22, 2024 |

It’s easy to see a home as a static entity, that is a building designed to keep you and your family safe, to provide you a place to store your belongings and unwind at the end of a busy day. … Read More

How Investing in Rental Properties Can Help You Retire Early

July 19, 2024 |

A lot of people save and invest to reach retirement earlier.

While there are many different financial avenues with which to achieve this faster, turning to rental real estate can turbo-charge this process. When we say turbo, we … Read More

6 Things You Do In Your Home That Make Professionals Cringe

July 18, 2024 |

Many people believe they know how to take care of their homes. After all, it’s only natural for human beings to put effort into their dwellings.

Unfortunately, though, we sometimes make mistakes. And these can sometimes be dangerous. … Read More

Getting Power to Your Garden Shed Office

July 16, 2024 |

If you have jumped on the band wagon in creating a unique space for your home office, you’re likely know thinking about the practicalities of doing so.

A growing trend is to think outside the home and convert … Read More

Sustainable Living Thanks To These Tips For An Eco-Friendly Home And Garden

July 16, 2024 |

Living sustainably isn’t just a trend; it’s a responsibility we owe to ourselves and the planet.

Our daily choices at home and in the garden significantly impact the environment. Adopting eco-friendly practices can lead to a healthier, more … Read More

10 simple design tips to transform your home

July 15, 2024 |

We all want our homes to look their very best. However, home design projects can be hugely time-consuming and complex to execute – which is exactly why we’ve put together this list of 10 simple home design tips!

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Do You Have a Problem with Smelly Drains? Here are Three Easy Ways to Deal with It

July 9, 2024 |

A bad and unpleasant odour is something that all of us can’t live with, and if you notice such a smell coming from your drains, this can be completely unacceptable.

The situation can quickly turn into a nightmare, … Read More

Creating a Cozy and Fun Bedroom with the Right Kids Bed

July 5, 2024 |

Crafting a cozy and fun bedroom for kids can be an exciting project that nurtures their creativity and comfort.

A well-designed children’s bedroom not only provides a restful environment but also sparks imagination and play. Choosing the right … Read More

4 Essential Things to Remember When Doing Renovations

July 5, 2024 |

When you get the opportunity to renovate your home it becomes just as exciting as when it was when you bought it.

But when renovating there are some considerations you need to remember, so to ensure your project … Read More

How To Make Your Garden More Practical (And Aesthetically Pleasing)

July 5, 2024 |

Every homeowner will want to make their garden as beautiful as possible.

Even if you lack gardening skills or do not know what to do with the space, you will want your front and back garden to look … Read More

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