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Iceni Magazine | July 24, 2024

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Run Iceni Run

Run, Iceni, Run: My Virtual London Marathon Experience

October 5, 2020 |

To say I felt underprepared would be somewhat of an understatement.

My fitness levels of late have been poorer than I’d have liked despite three PT sessions a week and regular runs (albeit shortish ones). Having run every … Read More

Run Iceni Run – Back on it!

August 7, 2020 |

Long time, no hear (you’re probably thinking!).

You’re right though; it has been a while. After my marathon, I continued to run. But without a goal in mind, I was just plodding on and didn’t feel I had … Read More

Run, Iceni, Run: Race Day – Do or Die

October 21, 2019 |

Vicki set two alarms on her phone and I set an alarm on my phone and one on my Garmin too.

Neither of us wanted to risk sleeping in (we had done the previous day until 8am, which … Read More

Run, Iceni, Run: The Final Countdown

October 18, 2019 |

Two days to go… it truly is the final countdown. I’m feeling all sorts of mixed emotions.

Not only will Sunday see me attempt to run my very first marathon, it’s also my first ever race. People have … Read More

Run, Iceni, Run: What I’ve Learnt

September 12, 2019 |

The heat has returned. For a number of reasons, including the heat and doing more as a family, I simply haven’t been able to put in quite as many miles as I wanted to.

However, when I do … Read More

Run, Iceni, Run: the Training Begins

September 2, 2019 |

If someone tells me I can’t do something, I’m always determined to prove them wrong.

Yes, my big birthday pushed me firmly into middle age, but I’m the fittest I’ve been since my teenage basketball days, so I … Read More

Run, Iceni, Run: The Challenge

August 8, 2019 |

In the run up to Christmas (and my big birthday… I won’t mention the number!)

I was still going strong and decided to set myself a challenge. Stupidly, I told others that my aim (no time scale) was … Read More

Run Iceni, Run – Changes and improvements

August 4, 2019 |

The more I ran, the better I felt. The better I felt, the more I wanted to run. Running was definitely the new-found love of my life.

I suppose I was a maverick runner in a way. I … Read More

Run, Iceni, Run – The Beginning

July 25, 2019 |

Back in 2018, after a turbulent few months on a personal level, I knew I needed to do something for me.

It may sound selfish, but for so long, everything I had done was for other people. … Read More

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