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Iceni Magazine | July 23, 2024

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5 Key Questions for Small Business Owners Starting a Construction Project

July 23, 2024 |

Starting your first commercial construction project can feel a bit like deciding to run a marathon.

Sure, there are dreams of hitting the finish line with a large prize, recognition, and even an eventual following, but there’s … Read More

3 Essential Investments To Make In Your Home

July 22, 2024 |

It’s easy to see a home as a static entity, that is a building designed to keep you and your family safe, to provide you a place to store your belongings and unwind at the end of a busy day. … Read More

What steps to take if you are involved in a hit and run accident in California?

July 19, 2024 |

Car accidents occur quite frequently in California. Fortunately, California law is quite well regulated in this regard.

No matter what kind of accident you encounter, there are many measures you can take to get the compensation you deserve. … Read More

How Investing in Rental Properties Can Help You Retire Early

July 19, 2024 |

A lot of people save and invest to reach retirement earlier.

While there are many different financial avenues with which to achieve this faster, turning to rental real estate can turbo-charge this process. When we say turbo, we … Read More

7 Tips On How You Can Provide Support Throughout Your Loved One’s Rehabilitation Process

July 19, 2024 |

Rehabilitation can be a challenging journey for both the person in recovery and their friends and family.

It’s important to ensure that those close to someone undergoing rehabilitation have access to the right support they need, not just … Read More

How To Save Money When Starting A Business

July 19, 2024 |

While there are many different barriers that may stand in the way of becoming a small business, the biggest obstacles are often financial.

For example, while you can remedy a fear of failure by putting together a strong … Read More

Nanny Agency vs. Private Hire: Pros and Cons

July 18, 2024 |

Choosing a nanny is a monumental decision for any family. Whether you’re looking for someone to care for your children while you work or to provide support at home, the process can be daunting.

You might be … Read More

6 Things You Do In Your Home That Make Professionals Cringe

July 18, 2024 |

Many people believe they know how to take care of their homes. After all, it’s only natural for human beings to put effort into their dwellings.

Unfortunately, though, we sometimes make mistakes. And these can sometimes be dangerous. … Read More

4 Industries Changed Forever By The Pandemic

July 18, 2024 |

Coronavirus has changed life forever – we now know that pandemics aren’t a thing to scare us in cinemas, they’re something that threatens our way of life and that includes the businesses we care about.

Every industry has … Read More

Workplace Safety: Best Practices for Small Businesses

July 18, 2024 |

Maintaining workplace safety is crucial for small businesses aiming to protect their employees and ensure smooth operations.

An effective safety program not only prevents accidents and injuries but also promotes a positive work environment, enhancing overall productivity. Here … Read More

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