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Iceni Magazine | February 7, 2025

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Survival tips for the college student living in NYC

Survival tips for the college student living in NYC

Making the decision to study in NYC will probably be the most exciting yet daunting decision you will make.

You may be coming to NYC for one of the prestigious well-known universities like NYU or Columbia. Irrespective of which university you have chosen, there are a few things that you should be aware of, in order to have a good experience.

Student Housing

If you have chosen to live in a shared apartment rather than a college student housing facility, then there are factors you will need to consider. The first of these is the neighbourhood, which you will need to research well so that you find one in a neighbourhood that is best suited for you. You should filter these by setting a budget and looking at the distance from your preferred school. You can also look at the activities that are available close-by for when you decide to take a break from your books. You may want to consider a home close to a park if you are a person who likes daily jogs.

It is vital to be aware of the budget you decide on and try to adhere to it. You can check the average rent in NYC online as you look for student housing. Remember that location is one of the most important factors to consider in your search for the perfect accommodation.

Survival Tips

  1. Decide if you want a roommate as this will make your apartment hunting much more bearable. On a budget, it is difficult to find nice apartments however if you decide to share the apartment with two or three other people, it will be much cheaper, and you will get a nicer place to live in. If your home is still not big enough for all your stuff, consider getting a storage unit which you can share with a friend.
  2. Use public transport like the subway as it is the most economical way to get from point A to point B. if you haven’t taken the subway before, there’s no need to stress. Taking it a few times will eventually get you on track.
  3. Make a point of setting aside time to socialise and interact with people. It’s no secret that it is difficult adjusting to life in the Big Apple, and making friends may just be difficult too. It is important to set time aside to socialise without your books. Try to find people that share the same interests as you do and get involved in out of school activities together.
  4. It is important to remember that although you are living a new city that is exciting and glamourous, don’t get swept into all that it has to offer, and neglect your studies. Remember that your main reason for even being in NYC is to get a good education so try to stay focused.
  5. Set a budget aside for your monthly expenses because NYC is actually quite expensive and you would need to ensure that you are aware of the prices of things that you will need every month. Being a student means you will need to budget and prioritise at all times so ensure that you are always conscious of what you are willing to spend and what you can afford. If you can, try to get a part-time job to help you live a little more comfortably.
  6. There is so much to see and do in NYC but ensure that you maintain a balanced life. Many people suggest visiting your home every now and again to put things in perspective for you. This may be good for you to keep your priorities in place instead of getting sucked into the NYC lifestyle. Although there is so much to do and see, it is important to take time out to just relax and escape the mayhem of big city living.

Things you should not do in NYC

  1. Don’t just settle for familiar food like McDonalds, Burger King or Olive Garden. Try out the foods that NYC has to offer as it is considered by many as the foodie capital of the world. NYC has so many restaurants and street vendors on almost every street, be part of the true NYC experience.
  2. Don’t plan stops throughout the city without considering your travel time and traffic.
  3. Don’t hesitate to ask for directions when you need to get somewhere. You will find this is your best option instead of hunting for places and losing time.

The move to NYC is exciting, even on a budget. You are making a great decision for your future which you will definitely not regret. Try to enjoy the experience as much as you can, and ensure that everything you spend on, is budgeted.

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