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Iceni Magazine | July 23, 2024

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Anonymous Teacher

Garden Tips that will Give your Space a Fresh New Look

September 18, 2023 |

Do you feel as though your space isn’t quite as fresh as it could be?

Maybe you feel as though you need to update it but just have no idea where to start. Either way, now is the … Read More

How to Look After Your Family Fridge

April 3, 2020 |

While your family fridge might not be something that you often think about, you’ll find that it is one of the key things that your family needs to stay healthy and keep food fresh.

Many people fill their … Read More

Anonymous Teacher Reacts To: A third of children are behind at 5?

November 28, 2016 |

Oh my goodness!

Why are we comparing children at such a young age? I’ve always been against this. At the end of the reception year, you can still have several children who are not yet five and you … Read More

Smaller schools not viable?

November 5, 2016 |

Firstly, there are some tiny schools still managing to financially stay afloat by partnering or federating with other such schools and “sharing” an executive head. The Association of College and School Leaders names one form entry primaries … Read More

Anonymous Teacher Reacts To: Saracens Free School?

September 21, 2016 |

Education seems to have become a free for all…

Why on earth would a rugby club open a free school? Ok, so it’s in conjunction with a local secondary, but still – what’s the point? What’s in it for them? … Read More

Anonymous Teacher Reacts To: Phonics Test

September 18, 2016 |

Hmm… what?

A test for 5 and 6 year olds is too basic? Really? Excessive? Yes. Ridiculous? Yes.

Completely and utterly unnecessary? Absolutely. The phonics test was introduced in 2012 to much criticism (criticism which … Read More

Anonymous Teacher Reacts To: Grammar Schools

September 16, 2016 |

Grammar schools – is there really a need? What purpose will they serve?

I grew up in a time when there were very few grammar schools remaining and those few were basically for those who didn’t want their children mixing … Read More

Anonymous Teacher Reacts To: Marking

September 16, 2016 |

The recent release of information surrounding Key Stage Two SATS answers being marked as incorrectly because the comma was incorrectly formed has angered me.

The pupil hadn’t mistaken an apostrophe for a comma; the comma simply didn’t curl back … Read More

Brexit: The Impacts In A Primary School

August 8, 2016 |

Whatever your political stance and opinions regarding Britain remaining or leaving the European Union, it would be impossible to deny that people have been arguing about it ever since June’s referendum.  The same can be … Read More

Teachers: How Much Holiday Do They Get?

July 6, 2016 |

I have been teaching in primary schools for over ten years now and a comment which never fails to anger me is, “Teachers get so much holiday!” 

So, why does that comment annoy me so much? I’m certain … Read More

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