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Iceni Magazine | July 24, 2024

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Rip Up Your CV, It’s Time To Create Your Work Portfolio

December 1, 2021 |

As freelancing and the gig economy continue to change the job market, the barriers of entry change as well.

Where a resume on high quality paper was once a job-hunters must-have, a portfolio has become absolutely essential for … Read More

6 Must Read True Crime Books

March 26, 2020 |

It’s the big thing right now. The trending nature of this genre and its’ materials has infiltrated literature, podcasts, and even large platforms as large as Netflix.

Whether the True Crime story is based on serial killers and … Read More

Norfolk’s Military Heritage – Neil R. Storey

January 23, 2019 |

Norfolk’s military heritage dates back to the earliest times in this country’s history from the Iron Age and the Iceni stronghold and Boudica’s rebellion against Roman occupation to its frontline role with its numerous airbases in World War 2 and … Read More

Create a career that fits in with your life, not the other way around

September 5, 2018 |

NEW BOOK: A practical guide to making the most of life working in the gig economy

Why this book matters:

  • Gig economy companies such as Uber and Deliveroo have had a lot of negative press … Read More

50 Gems of Suffolk

September 4, 2018 |

The History & Heritage of the Most Iconic Places Kate J. Cole

Famous for its inspiration on the artist, Constable, Suffolk is a county filled with natural appeal. From the glorious coastline to medieval towns such as Bury St Edmunds, … Read More

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