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Iceni Magazine | July 27, 2024

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Top Tips For Building A Safe, Strong, Durable Home

Top Tips For Building A Safe, Strong, Durable Home

Constructing your own new-build property might seem like a daunting undertaking.

However, it comes with a number of key advantages. For one, you don’t have to be a millionaire in order to build your very own dream home; new builds can be built to cater to varying budgets once you have secured the necessary building certification from a company like KP Building Approvals.

Another obvious advantage is the fact that you can design your home to look and function exactly the way you want it. Since you will be creating a unique home, if you do ever decide to sell it, you will probably find yourself making a tidy profit. Because the design of your custom house is the single most important aspect (and one of the key reasons it is being built), so it would be wise to find an architectural company in your area and find out more about the services they offer. This could make a significant difference to the outcome and the overall cost.

That being said, there are still some significant challenges that come with building your own home. Perhaps the biggest obstacle is finding ways to construct an attractive, but robust and durable building that can withstand long-term wear and tear.

To help you achieve this goal, here are some helpful tips to consider as you and your construction team design and create a long-lasting house that will become a cherished family home.

Make Sure You Have A Good Foundation

One of the most crucial steps you need to take when constructing your self-build takes place at the very beginning. Before the initial structure begins to go up, you need to make sure that the foundation of the house is laid on flat, solid ground with no threat of subsidence. If your plot sits on sandy soil, you’ll need a different approach to a plot on clay soil, so make sure to do a ground survey before any work begins to determine what the ground is like. Checking the stability of the ground is important whether you’re using a “build on your own lot home builder“, or constructing your new home yourself, so be sure not to cut any corners regarding the necessary surveys or inspections to save time or money – if you do, you’ll no doubt regret it in the end.

The foundation itself also needs to be built to the highest standards to ensure its robustness and durability. Whether by using concrete pilings, metal brackets, or wire mesh, reinforcing the foundations are essential, as any weakness or instability could cause serious structural problems down the line.

Use Good-Quality Building Materials

Houses have to withstand a great deal of wear and tear over the years, much of it caused by the elements: high winds, rain, and even natural disasters such as flooding.

To give your new build the best chance of surviving for decades to come, you should only use good-quality materials. Whether you opt to build with brick and block, a timber frame, oak, or structural insulated panels, quality materials are worthwhile investments. Do plenty of research into the strength of materials and their advantages and disadvantages, so you can choose the construction system that is right for you and your self-build.

Incorporate Seismic Joints

To make your property even more durable and capable of withstanding high winds and even seismic activity (which does occur in the UK from time to time), seismic joints, like from Veda France, should be used during the course of the structural work.

Also known as expansion joints, they provide a combination of protection and flexibility. They can be used in flooring as well as in walls, ceilings, and facades.

Make Sure Your Self Build Is Well Insulated

Last but not least, insulation materials placed inside the walls and in the loft of your self-build property will help to keep your house warm, dry, and well-protected from the elements. It can also help to keep external noise levels down. It can even help to improve the energy efficiency of your home as insulation prevents heat from escaping.

There are different types of insulation to choose from, including fibreglass, foam boards, and cellulose. It’s worth doing a little research and selecting the insulation that meets your requirements and will keep your new dream home warm and cosy in the winter months, but also cool and pleasant during the heat of summer.

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