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Iceni Magazine | July 27, 2024

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6 Steps To A Luxurious Home – A Styling Guide

6 Steps To A Luxurious Home - A Styling Guide

If you don’t feel like royalty the second you set foot inside your home then maybe it’s time for a few changes.

Regardless of the size of your house, some well placed love and care can transform it into a luxurious haven worthy of a magazine feature.

It’s All In The Detail

Elegance is all about paying attention to the little things. You don’t have to repaint your walls, but think what an impact a splash of contrasting colour could make.

1.   First Impressions Matter

The entryway gives guests a preview to the rest of your home. Add accessories that are welcoming and reflective of your decor style. You won’t go wrong with a statement mirror, a bold rug and fresh flowers.

Do keep it clutter free and keep a diffuser with bergamot or patchouli scents on your entrance table.

2.   Luxury Scents

On the issue of scents, stock up on essential oils because there are many uses for them around the house. Keep your towels and bedding fragrant by adding a few drops of fragrance oils to wool dryer balls when you do your laundry.

Another great trick is to drop some oil into the toilet roll cardboard for a pleasant smelling bathroom. Lastly, run your electric diffusers for at least three hours everyday and your entire house will smell luxurious.

3.   Layered Lighting

Ever wondered how some homes have a constant luxe radiance? The answer is layered lighting.  Combining the three lighting types – ambient, accent, and task, results in a room with a glow and pops of bright light. These stunning floor and table lamps from Flos will certainly fit the brief when it comes to finding the right balance between aesthetics and functionality. 

Use well-spaced recessed lights for ambient lighting, an elegant chandelier for accent lighting and add task lighting in the form of beautiful lamps. Balanced lighting will eliminate dark shadows and make your home feel open and spacious. Remember to look for professionals to support with this, such as lighting installation in Atlanta, GA, for safety and peace of mind.

4.   Texture

Texture is key to any interior design project. It adds visual interest, depth and coziness to a room.

Contrast leather sofas with soft throws or add sheepskin to a fabric couch. Compliment hard ceramic floors with plush rugs and consider textured wallpaper for some of your focus areas.

The key is to find a common theme that connects your different materials.

5.   Luxury Furniture

There is no hack. Cheap furniture is easily recognisable and high quality pieces speak for themselves. Even if it means buying one item at a time, a trip to a high-end furniture showroom like FCI London is worth your while.

Pay particular attention to furniture in your living room and bedrooms. There is simply no substitute for the fine detailing, comfort and durability that is synonymous with designer furnishings.

6.   Hardware

And finally, hopefully you still have money to spare because you might want to change your hardware. Door and cabinet handles, pendants, faucets, curtain rods, plug covers and furniture knobs; all of these can have an impact on the overall look of your home.

Give them an upgrade by replacing them with modern colours or shapes. You’ll love the transformation.

Once it’s all done, all that remains is for you to invite your friends over for your home decor reveal. Prepare to receive lots of compliments – you will have good reason to feel smug.

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