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Iceni Magazine | May 16, 2024

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Things You Need to Know as a Fitness Beginner

Things You Need to Know as a Fitness Beginner

As a beginner in the fitness world, there are some things you need to know before starting your journey.

Setting your foot in the gym can be daunting at first. However, do not be discouraged! A gym is a safe environment where you can reach your fitness goals. Below are a few tips for you if you are a beginner at the gym.

Do Not Be Intimidated

Most people shy away from the gym because they think that it’s intimidating or difficult to use and many people are afraid of going to the gym because they are not sure how to use gym equipment properly. If you are one of those people, then you are not alone. However, you can make major improvements to your health if you overcome the initial anxiety and get used to the fitness environment. The more you attend the gym, the more you will learn and the better you will become at using the equipment, so try not to get too discouraged early on.

Learn About Different Types of Workouts

Knowing the main differences between different workouts that you can do at the gym will help you to devise a fitness plan that will best suit your needs and goals. There are many types of different exercises. However, the main types of workouts you may be doing at the gym include:

  • Cardio exercise: includes activities such as jogging, cycling, dancing, etc. These activities aim to improve your endurance and help you stay fit for longer periods of time. Cardio exercises raise your heart rate and improve your overall cardiovascular health by burning calories and increasing your circulation.
  • Weight training: This type of exercise focuses on building muscle strength. It can also prepare you to do better in other sports and activities that require strength. There are different ways that you can gain muscle or tone your physique. For instance, strength training will focus on increasing your strength by lifting near-maximum weight that you can lift for just a few repetitions (between five and eight). You might do four of five sets. On the other hand, if your goal is to appear more muscular rather than gain strength, you will want to lift about less weight and do between 10 and 15 repetitions. Muscle endurance training then requires the weights to be dropped even further, with 15 or more repetitions.
  • Fitness classes: your gym might also have several classes available for you to join. These can be a fun way to mix up your workouts and meet new people who share similar interests. They can involve several different activities and are a great way to get your workout done quickly.

Research, Research, Research

It is important that you do some research before you start your training so that you can develop an exercise routine that’s suitable for your individual needs and abilities. However, do not believe everything that you find on the internet. Not every internet fitness post is based on reliable research. As a result, many myths have emerged online. Always ensure that what you are reading is trustworthy.

If you want to find out more about workouts, and nutrition, there are courses available that can help you achieve your goals. The provider Study Active, for instance, offers a variety of courses, including nutrition courses, physical activity courses, and personal training courses such as the Level 3 Reps. Whether a career in fitness is something you are considering down the line, or you simply want to learn more about health and fitness, there are many benefits to taking a course.

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