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Iceni Magazine | February 18, 2025

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Marketing Methods That Can Add Some Prestige To The Brand

Marketing Methods That Can Add Some Prestige To The Brand

When you’re trying to market to your audience, it’s important to recognise that it’s not just the message that matters.

The medium can play an important role, as well. Some marketing methods simply seem a lot more prestigious and exclusive than others. We have a mix in this day and age, which is why we have Minneapolis social media marketing experts to hand, as well as a myriad of others to ensure that businesses are marketing in the correct way for their audience. Here, we’re going to look at some of the marketing methods that might be worth pushing a little more investment into and why they’re so effective.

Engagement through video

There’s a simple “formula”, for lack of a better word, that all social media marketing professionals learn at some point: pictures engage more than text alone, and video engages more than pictures. There has been plenty of evidence to show that video marketing is immediately more attention-catching than most other mediums. However, if you want to make sure that you get that prestige behind your brand, then it is important to work with video production teams that are used to doing marketing jobs. Visual fidelity, strong branding, and optimal video length are all important for success in video marketing.

The paper approach

It might seem, at a glance, that classic, physical marketing methods such as using paper might seem outdated in this world that is getting vastly more digital as time goes on. It’s true that cheap flyers and posters might not do much to draw the eye but premium print services like those at can give your business the gloss and textural appeal of a magazine. It can make your print adverts feel much higher in quality, which will naturally draw your audience’s interest til they want to see what’s inside.

The live appeal

If you want your brand to have a presence in the market, then you need to make sure that it has a presence, physically, in the biggest trade shows and conferences in your area. Those who have a vested interest in the industry pay attention to these shows, especially in lifestyle and B2B industries. Sites like can help you find all manner of trade shows. Show up, make sure your booth is branded and looking high-quality, and engage with attendees to raise the profile of your business beyond your online-only competitors.

Blow up your brand

Your brand can look a lot bigger than it is if you literally make it look bigger. Billboard marketing has played an important role in grabbing eyes and raising the profile of brands for decades now. You want to make sure that not only do your billboards look great, however, but also that you get good placement for them. It’s important to ensure that they are placed where plenty of people are going to be able to see them, preferably at a point where traffic has to stop so you have a captive audience all engaging your messaging.

Of course, marketing through the methods above alone isn’t going to be enough. You have to make sure that you craft your message to the medium and take advantage of it to the fullest.

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