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Iceni Magazine | February 8, 2025

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G4 Interviewed By Alex Wiseman ahead of their Christmas 2017 Tour

G4 interviewed by Alex Wiseman

Boys, here we are again! Another year goes by and you are more popular than the last!

How many live dates did you do this year? 

Ben: we were lucky this year to spend a large part of the year doing what we do most: performing! 60 live shows made for a busy year, but amazing to see so many of you and explore the country and further beyond, including our Asia debut in South Korea! 


Your fan base gets bigger every single year as more and more people enjoy listening to your music. Do you still get a great feeling walking on stage as a band to sing live in front of your fans? 

Jon: Of course! You always worry that people won’t like what you do or the audience will wain. The human voice is a very special gift to be able to share, especially at Christmas time and it always blows us away to have such supportive audiences wherever we go. 


Now I am slightly biased as I am huge fan of yours but I have never known a band to spend as much time talking and interacting with fans. It really is refreshing and means a lot to us all. Thank you guys. 

Jon: The fans are the only reason that we are able to continue to perform as G4 and we are innately aware of this and cherish every single one. It is also wonderful to be able to meet regularly and newbies and hear from their perspective which things they like and dislike in our shows. 


Now back to Christmas (very exciting!) the G4 Christmas concerts are in their 3rd year and are proving to be very popular. What can fans expect? 

Nick: If anyone has been to one of our shows, they know to expect terrible jokes! We might just find some time to sing a few Christmas classics, and a few carols for the audience to join in with.


Can I put in a request for ‘Last Christmas’ to be sung at the Norwich concert? It would be a wonderful tribute to the late great George Michael. 

Jon: What a brilliant idea!! Leave it with us…


Now readers if you are thinking of getting tickets for this concert in November you are too late!! It’s a SELL OUT which is fantastic and will make for a wonderful atmosphere. Surely it must be time for a concert at Norwich Theatre Royal in the spring? It would be wonderful to see you in Norwich again (twice a year!) 

Mike: That would be great! Norwich Theatre Royal is such a wonderful venue, but it gets booked up so early, that we haven’t been able to make it work yet.  Fingers crossed for 2019!


Fingers crossed for another concert in Norwich again soon! 


What’s planned for 2018? Will there be another album? Perhaps a G4 Christmas part II? Or how about an album full of covers voted for by the fans? 

Ben: I’m not sure what we have planned in terms of recording yet, but we certainly plan to keep up our very busy tour schedule with 60 more shows including a first return to Ireland since reforming, and a return to South Korea. As for fans voting, we are extremely active on our social media, particularly our twitter account (g4official), and we do read everything you tweet us! Don’t ask, don’t get…! 

I wish the band every success for 2018 and I am sure it will be another successful year!! 

Mike: Thanks Alex. We’re certainly going to be busy.

As always it’s an absolute joy to interview you guys, you are all wonderful and NORWICH loves you! 

Jon: We love Norwich and can’t wait to see you again there very soon!!

To find out more information about G4 and their Live Show Dates visit:

Interview By Alex Wiseman 


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