Iceni Interviews Sherrie Hewson
Our very own Alex Wiseman was lucky enough to spend time interviewing Sherrie Hewson, one of the nation’s favourite soap actresses.
A- It’s so difficult to know where to start with you Sherrie as you’ve had such a wonderful career…
S- I have been in the business since I was 4 years old, doing 3 shows a week by the age 6. I went to RADA when I was 18 and starred in films at 22. The first was Carry on Behind with the truly wonderful team. Then Hanover Street with Harrison Ford which was amazing then The Slipper and the Rose with Richard Chamberlin and every star of the day from Margaret Lockwood to Kenneth More.
A- Your big break came when you joined Coronation Street. What was it like joining such a treasured show?
S- One of my breaks came when I joined the Street in ‘93, which of course was wonderful as you are immediately a household name and even though I’d been in many drama series and sitcoms etc, nothing is like being in such an enormous show as Corrie.
A- Your character left the street in 1997, with a couple of episodes in 2006. Would you ever consider going back?
S- I love the street and if the time came when Maureen returned from Germany, I’d love it. I am still married to Bill Webster (Kevin’s Dad), so I have what they call a ‘hook’.
A- During this time you were offered a part in BBC’s Oh, Doctor Beeching!, which happens to be one of my favourite comedies. What made you turn it down?
S- I did do the pilot of Dr Beeching which I loved, and David Perry wanted me to do the series, but I was still in Corrie and had a year to run on my contract.
A- After Corrie, you appeared in revived Crossroads and later joined the cast of Emmerdale. Out of all your soap roles, which was your favourite and why?
S- Again Emmerdale was joyful. The cast are lovely, and having been at that studio when I did In Loving Memory with Thora Hird for quite some time, I had great memories. Crossroads, or Camp Crossroads as we call it, was such fun to do and made in my home town Nottingham. It was so outrageous it would of become a cult show had it remained.
A- Of course a lot people also know you from Loose Women (I am a big fan of that show too!) You appeared on the show for 14 years, which is an amazing amount of time. Would you go back?
S- Loose Women was a big part of my life and we all went through such a lot together. The girls were so supportive I am very grateful for their friendship. And of course, I’d go back; I miss them all.
A- In 2012, you were cast as Joyce Temple-Savage in the adored ITV comedy Benidorm. So you were paid to act in the sun… I could think of worse jobs.
S- Benidorm came at the right time in my career. It was such a joy to do, in Spain 5 months a year for 6 years. I mean, what can you say? Fabulous scripts, amazing characters, wonderful cast and a genius writer… it doesn’t get better than that!
A- In 2016, you appeared in the revival of Are You Being Served? How much did you enjoy making the special episode? I thought it was hilarious and was very disappointed it didn’t get a full series.
S- Our writer of Benidorm Derren Litten also wrote the pilot of Are You Being Served? in which l played Mrs Slocombe. This is something I will never forget, I knew most of the original cast and I hope I did Molly proud. We were going on to make a series and Derren had written two more scripts, but alas it was not to be, but I have that wonderful memory.
A- What’s next for you, Sherrie?
S- In this strange world we are all living in where all theatres and studios and film sets are shut down, we all have to think out of the box. So, I, along with three other friends Debbie Arnold, Harriet Thorpe and Dee Anderson, have created a show on Facebook and YouTube called ‘Wonderbirds’ Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 4.30pm. It’s fun and lively… a bit risqué! Everything we need right now.
A- Thank you so much for talking to Iceni Magazine today. Take care and stay safe during these scary times.
S- Thank you Iceni Magazine. Stay safe and know this time will pass and we will all be together again.