Iceni Magazine Interviews G4 – Ahead Of Their 2018 Norwich Christmas Concert
Come on boys, it’s our 4th interview, surely that makes me a friend of the band now?
Nick: It sure does! We meet so many great people doing what we do! You’re definitely in the club!
Now, there’s something different this year… welcome to the group Lewis! I hope you are enjoying yourself? What’s the first few months been like?
Lewis: Thank you very much! Its very hard to put into words to describe how amazing this experience has been for me. We recently finished my first UK live tour as part of G4 and it was truly incredible to travel round the country to see and perform in front wonderful audiences. I have loved every minute of it and still find it extraordinary to be a part of G4. It’s a dream come true. The Christmas tour is coming up very soon and I am looking forward to getting back on the road.
Jonathan & Mike how does it feel to be the only two original members of the group left?
Mike: Yes we’re still hanging on in there! It’s incredible to think of the journey we’ve both been on together since the early days of G4, and we knew each other about 4 years before that from studying together at music college, so we’ve known each other nearly 20 years! So essentially we’ve known each other longer than we haven’t known each other if you see what I mean??
G4 celebrates its 14th Birthday this year and you seem to be more popular than ever! What’s the secret?
Jon: We feel honoured to still be sharing our unique musical style with audiences all these years on. It’s amazing to think that it’s 14 years since we appeared on the first series of the X-Factor! Our dedication and hard work, alongside our ability to contour to break down musical barriers is the reason that I believe that we continue to thrive as a group.
The Christmas tour is back again this year at Norwich Cathedral (stunning venue!) and is itself a very popular show. I think if it gets any more popular you may have to start dates in October to cope with demand! How big can the Christmas Tour get?
Mike: There’s only so far back in November you can go with Christmas shows. But we’ve never done shows between Christmas and New Year, so that could be an option in the future! Norwich Cathedral sold out months ago, so it’s wonderful to have such support there.
For any of our readers who haven’t seen the Christmas show before, can you describe what they should expect?
Nick: Well it’s a lovely mix of our favourite Christmas music from loads of different genres. You can expect Mariah Carey, O Holy Night, our own spin on Christmas classics like Silent Night, and of course a few audience sing-along carols peppered in there for good measure! These beautiful songs are always enhanced further by the amazing atmospheres of the country’s most stunning cathedrals, of which Norwich is one of our favourites!
Are there any new songs for the 2018 show?
Nick: There certainly are a few, but they are of course a closely guarded secret. It’s always great to be able to use the amazing organ in Norwich cathedral to accompany the show. This gives us good opportunities for new Christmas-y arrangements!
What’s next for G4? Will there be a new album in 2019?
Jon: We are just about to announce our 2019 Christmas tour. We have no plans to release a new album but you never know what is around the corner..?
Are you touring again? Will there be anymore Christmas tours? Please make sure you come back to Norwich!
Mike: We are taking a break from our theatre tour next year, however we’ll definitely be back with our Christmas tour at the end of the year, even bigger and better than this year’s. And it looks like we’ll be making our debut at St Andrew’s Hall in Norwich on 20th December 2019 as part of this!
Interview By Alex Wiseman.
For further information, and for tickets, visit the official G4 website.