Anonymous Teacher Reacts To: Grammar Schools
Grammar schools – is there really a need? What purpose will they serve?
I grew up in a time when there were very few grammar schools remaining and those few were basically for those who didn’t want their children mixing with the lower classes (this is MY experience and I realise this is not the case for everyone!).
Rather than investing in new schools, I advocate spending money on existing ones… is that not a possibility anymore? It seems that with an increasing number of free schools and academies, that education will soon be unrecognisable.
It’s a farce! Society has changed a lot in the past few decades – some improvements and some deteriorations… but you can’t have it all, I suppose. Do we really want these grammar schools back to segregate pupils (and their families!) once again?
Mixing with people of all backgrounds and abilities should be a positive experience and something that happens on a regular basis. Selecting pupils based on their academic ability is a huge step backwards.
Gove hasn’t gone – his ideas live on! Everything seems to be harping back to the ‘good old days’.
These Tory politicians are basing their opinions on education solely on their own experiences – and do we really want more of them being created? I certainly don’t!