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Iceni Magazine | February 14, 2025

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Smaller schools not viable?

Smaller schools not viable?

Firstly, there are some tiny schools still managing to financially stay afloat by partnering or federating with other such schools and “sharing” an executive head. The Association of College and School Leaders names one form entry primaries as struggling, which I cannot understand if the smaller schools can find a way. 

Secondly, I fear that the financial side of education is taking over these days. Rather than focusing on providing all children with a good education, money is becoming the major factor. What with academy trusts, sponsorship and free schools (some highly commercial ones), money seems to be on many minds. 

Finally, smaller schools can suit certain children. For example, a child with emotional and behavioural difficulties may find they are able to feel more comfortable in a setting with fewer pupils. Can’t we put the needs of our children, the future generation, first for a change?


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