8 Surprising Benefits of Using CBD for Depression and Anxiety
Depression and anxiety are two different conditions, however, a study revealed that 50 percent of patients visiting a physician with either anxiety or depression showed signs of both states.
It’s normal to occasionally feel anxious, but ongoing stress is a sign of underlying mental illness. Advice from a physician along with time spent at a Depression treatment center are common options to support improved mental health and wellbeing
Anxiety or panic disorder can also trigger depression. The symptoms of both anxiety and depression usually improve with medications and counseling. However, these days, people are looking for natural healing methods to handle stress, which is why CBD, and its various types of consumption, is a popular option to treat mental disorders.
Found in the cannabis plant, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, meaning one can consume CBD without getting an euphoria. It can have a positive impact on the brain and promote healthy brain functionality. Various studies have shown that CBD can help in treating many symptoms of anxiety and depression, which helps in getting relief from the disorder.
Here are the eight surprising benefits of using CBD for anxiety and depression.
1. Sleep
Anxiety disorder and depression can negatively affect sleep.One of the most common sleep disorders shown in people with a mental disorder is insomnia. Studies have shown that insomnia is common with phobias, panic disorders, anxiety disorders, and extreme depression. Inadequate sleep can lead to health problems, low concentration, heart disease, and increased risk of accidents.
According to a study, CBD can cause a sedative effect by decreasing cortisol levels. It can treat a sleep disorder by reducing anxiety. The participants in the study reported a decrease in anxiety levels and an improvement in their sleep quality. Procuring CBD tincture from a trusted cannabis dispensary can help you sleep is an excellent method of reducing anxiety. Nowadays, you can purchase a wide range of different CBD products to combat insomnia and anxiety. For instance, whereas some people like to use CBD skincare products, others prefer to use CBD edibles like CBD gummies. Ultimately, it is simply a case of finding what works for you. For example, many people buy their cbd gummies wholesale to assist with achieving a decent night’s sleep. Buying CBD products from a wholesaler is a fantastic way to stock up and save money so do not be afraid to do some research into the different types of CBD products online if you are considering adding CBD to your mental health toolkit.
Cognitive Abilities
Feeling sad for too long, inadequate sleep, lack of interest in anything, and loss of appetite are all signs of anxiety and depression, which can have adverse effects on an individual’s cognitive abilities. Depression can negatively impact a person’s ability to think. It can reduce memory, concentration, and affect the ability to process information. Reports also show that anxiety and depression damage the cognitive flexibility of setting goals, strategies, and decision-making skills.
Cannabinoids possess nootropic benefits that are beneficial for cognitive performance. Studies prove that the antioxidative nature of CBD can protect neurons from degeneration. So, it can help protect brain cells and reduce the adverse effects of anxiety and depression.
Changes in Appetite and Weight
Severe depression is one of the significant reasons for chronic disability and mortality. Health consequences of anxiety and depression include conditions like obesity and diabetes. Studies reveal that anxiety and depression both show signs of appetite and weight changes. Some people show a loss of appetite, while others show an increase in appetite.
Cannabinoids play a vital role in decreasing appetite and increasing metabolism. Thebrain has CB1 and CB2 receptors that control metabolism and appetite. Studies reveal that CBD interacts with these receptors to curb hunger, which helps in reducing weight. Another research indicates that CBD encourages the browning of fat. Therefore, procuring high quality CBD can lead to increased fat metabolism giving better results when you exercise.
Heart Health
When a person responds to a stressful situation, the body goes through specific changes like an increase in heart rate and high blood pressure. Similarly, in the case of anxiety and depression, there is a heightened production of stress hormones that can put stress on the heart muscles to pump more blood. A study found that there is a higher possibility of survival after a heart attack without depression than with depression.
One of the first features of CBD from CBDfx UK and Europe retailers is its antioxidative or anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can aid in reducing the chances of heart disease. According to a study conducted on participants exposed to stress, CBD reduced the blood pressure when taken in small doses and improved heart-health in people with anxiety-induced hypertension.
Emotional health
Anxiety and depression can cause an emotional breakdown in a person. They can feel weak, become aggressive, experience low self-esteem, undergo severe mood swings, and in extreme cases, indulge in suicidal thoughts. These changes in feelings and hopeless outlook towards life happens due to the excessive release of cortisol in the brain.
Cannabidiol might help in restoring and rewiring the brain for positive emotional thoughts. It elevates the mood of a person by stimulating serotonin receptors. A study conducted on rodents showed that CBD, along with antidepressants, decreased suicidal thoughts in lab rats.
Getting tired easily or experiencing fatigue is another symptom of anxiety disorder. For some, feeling tired due to an extreme workload can lead to an anxiety attack. Fatigue is also a sign of depression. Depression-induced fatigue can make a person tired even after a night of sleep.
CBD might reduce fatigue by regulating the serotonin and dopamine levels in the body. These two vital chemicals help in boosting the energy levels and improving the mood. Furthermore, as discussed in the points above, CBD can relax your mind and provide a sound night’s sleep that helps your body to recover from fatigue.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder comes as a package deal for both anxiety and depression. It’s a neurodevelopmental disorder that can severely affect the quality of life. Some anecdotes state that CBD might help with ADHD. People who are suffering from ADHD show signs of anxiety and CBD can help manage their anxiety levels. It may also instill calming effects depending on the severity of the symptoms.
Sexual Inactivity
Sexual activity starts in the brain. Anxiety and depression both have significant effects on brain functionality. Most people report about low or no sexual desire. Lack of sexual desire puts a lot of pressure on intimate relationships.
Studies show that CBD can promote the production of the body’s natural lubrication by increasing the blood flow to tissues. Cannabidiol can also enhance endorphins that lead to better sexual experiences. Therefore, CBD can help in the bonding of couples who suffer from anxiety or depression.
The above are the top eight benefits of CBD for anxiety and depression. Cannabidiol can be a great supplement to include in a daily lifestyle to keep the mind relaxed, calm, and improve cognitive abilities. However, before using CBD, consult with a health professional to understand CBD’s safety when taken with your existing medication. Also, even though CBD is a natural supplement, the dosage varies from person to person.