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Iceni Magazine | May 21, 2024

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What Duty of Care Does Your Employer Have To You?

What Duty of Care Does Your Employer Have To You?

When you go to work, your employer has a duty to keep you safe – this means they have to take reasonable steps to make sure you don’t get hurt or become sick because of your job.

Here’s what you need to know about your employer’s duty of care to you as an employee. 

Providing a Safe Workplace

It’s really important that your workplace is safe and free from hazards that could harm you, and this is the duty of your employer. This includes things like slippery floors, faulty equipment or hazardous chemicals. While some workplaces will naturally be more hazardous than others (take a building site vs an office for example) they should provide necessary safety equipment if it’s needed and make sure you know how to use them all properly.

Training and Instruction

You should be given proper training and instruction for how to do your job. This includes training on how to use equipment safely, how to handle hazardous materials and what to do in case of an emergency. Even if you’re experienced and are transferring companies after doing something similar previously, it shouldnt be assumed and you should still be shown what to do, how things work and what your role entails. That way no accidents as a result of incompetence or misunderstandings will happen.

Health and Safety Policies

Your employer should have clear health and safety policies in place and should make sure you and all other workers know about them. This includes things like reporting accidents or hazards, following safety procedures and participating in safety meetings or training sessions. Health and safety policies can sometimes feel a little over the top or even silly, but they’re in place for a reason. Knowing what they are and following them properly can go a long way in stopping you or other people getting hurt on the job. Think how many accidents must have happened over the years for us to reach the point that we’re at with health and safety regulations. While you can get things like spinal injury compensation for an incident at work, it might never bring back your ability to walk so prevention is always best.

Monitoring and Supervision

Any potential hazards in the workplace should have been identified and steps taken to address them. They should also provide adequate supervision to ensure that you and your coworkers are working safely and following proper procedures. If you notice any hazards or unsafe practices, report them to your supervisor immediately.

Supporting Your Wellbeing

Your employer should also consider your overall wellbeing, not just your physical safety. This includes things like providing reasonable work hours, addressing any concerns you have about your job, and offering support if you’re experiencing stress or other mental health issues related to work. Some workplaces have access to things like physiotherapists, counsellors and more so ask about these things if you need them.

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