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Iceni Magazine | February 18, 2025

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What Does It Mean To Be A Franchisee?

Be A Franchisee

The franchising method has proven itself as a successful formula for companies and businesses.

But keep in mind – buying a franchise is actually buying a business. This is a transaction with various complexities, and it is necessary to examine and analyse the transaction data. This should be done before purchasing one concession or another. When purchasing a franchise, the hope is to minimise the risk, given the acquisition of a business model. That is why you should consider looking at Franchise Direct for more inspiration.

Part of the preparation for acquiring a franchise, beyond the specific transaction that needs to be examined. The essential question is – is this method at all suitable for you?

What does it mean to be a franchisee?

You must have heard entrepreneurs say they are joining the deli franchises in North Carolina or something similar in another location. But do you know what it exactly means? By opting to franchise, you are essentially aligning your business with an established brand that has already developed effective operational procedures and a proven business model. Using existing business systems developed by the company and proven themselves in the market. In fact, you will save yourself the need to “invent the wheel” or find the optimal way to run your business. It is important to choose a company that will provide you with an experienced support team. They will assist you in setting up the business, in the initial training and will provide you with ongoing support. The costs that are expected of you during the opening of a franchise business are one-time franchise fees. These include in exchange for reputation, business support, and training in establishment as well as payment of current royalties from the business income. Including rent and renovation of the business and other current expenses as in any business such as accounting and wages.

What are the benefits of the franchise method?

In running a franchise business, you are not alone, but part of a larger network and organisation than a single branch. Hence, the main benefits are:

  1. It is easier to raise financing to start a business under a reputable name and branding.
  1. Greater purchasing power – purchasing on a larger scale together with the other branches may improve the various costs associated with the business (e.g. raw materials and advertising costs).
  1. Greater exposure as part of the entire network’s advertising.
  1. The “run” period of a franchised branch and the realisation of the potential of the sales turnover are usually shorter.
  1. As a franchisee, you can concentrate solely on managing your branch, while the chain is responsible for overall management, brand development and maintaining a competitive advantage in the market.


Buying a franchise business can be a great opportunity to start your own business. But as with any business activity, you need to be open-minded, do your “homework” and get the necessary legal advice. This will be helpful for you as time goes by. You must consider all options but note that being a franchisee can be a really profitable business investment. It is a lot of work but can also bear fruitful rewards.


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