Signs Something Is Wrong With Your Tyres
The signs that there’s something wrong with your wheels are hard to miss.
Since tyres are such an integral part of your motor vehicle you have to make sure that you keep them in tip top shape at all times.
They are an important part of not just the aesthetics of your car but also your safety as well. Regular maintenance is not something that you should ignore or overlook.
If you see the warning signs you can prevent accidents, improve your vehicle’s performance and maybe extend the lifespan of your tyres. Here are some of the key signs that something is very wrong with your wheels.
Uneven Tread Wear
A big giveaway that something is wrong with your wheels is when you see uneven tread wear. If your tread is wearing down on one side more than the other, it is a clue that there are alignment issues happening.
If your tyres are not inflated properly a blowout is much more likely to happen. Rotate your tyres regularly and make sure they’re inflated in the way that the manufacturer recommends is the only way to keep this problem at bay. Blowouts are dangerous and can cause more than a racing heart. Avoid this panic inducing problem by checking your wheels.
Cracks and Bulges
Cracks and bulges are also another big sign that there’s something wrong with your tyres as well. You can get cracks from hitting potholes and debris on the road. These can weaken the structure of your wheel in a big way. If you are driving and you hear a “thump” or “thud” after going through a pothole get out and check if you can!
If you’re seeing bulges it’s a sign that inside there has been damage to your tyres. This type of bulge is often caused by some form of impact.
This can also lead to a dangerous blowout if you’re not careful. If you see a bulge make sure that you take action as soon as possible to get your tyres inspected and replaced. You can do an online search for tyre repairs near me, to find a professional to help you with your tyres.
Vibration In the Steering Wheel
If you start feeling vibrations in your steering wheel when you’re driving, especially at high speeds it’s an indication that there is probably something going on with your wheels. The shaking action is hard to ignore, it can leave you with butterflies in your stomach especially the first time you experience it.
For other people it just brings up a sense of fear and dread all over them. You know immediately that something is not right!
It may be that the wheel is off balance, or there may be uneven wear and tear. Whatever the issue, this is one of the unmistakable signs that something is wrong with your tyres and you need to have them checked.
Once you notice there is something wrong with your wheel you should jump on it immediately. Tyres are what ensure your safety on the road. Don’t take chances.