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Iceni Magazine | February 18, 2025

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Run Iceni, Run – Changes and improvements

Run Iceni, Run – Changes and improvements

The more I ran, the better I felt. The better I felt, the more I wanted to run. Running was definitely the new-found love of my life.

I suppose I was a maverick runner in a way. I never followed any sort of plan. I rarely took notice of any advice I had been given. I did join a few Facebook groups, but never really paid much attention to anyone else’s running technique. I did what I liked, what I enjoyed and it seemed to work. Unfortunately, I ended up with some sort of heel injury and so, with the loss of several weeks of running also came the loss of part of my rebellious streak.

Sports Link Treadmill

Gait analysis treadmill at Sportslink (Taverham).

Finally relenting, I took the advice of my other (better) half and visited Sportlink in Taverham for gait analysis. I was greeted by the lovely Karen, who instantly came over to help and seemed very knowledgeable. She talked me through the process and I soon jumped onto the treadmill. Although the result was that I have neutral pronation, I was advised that my left foot clips my right leg and these shoes ought to help. I tried the Hoka OneOne Elevon and it was love at first sight and run. They allow you to wear the shoes for a run around the car park. Honestly, I didn’t want to take them off. They fit like gloves (or should that be socks?) and felt really light.

Hoka One One Evelon

Hoka OneOne Elevon, first run.

These proper running shoes did make a difference to my running technique. I no longer felt the pain and, after a little while, my left foot stopped clipping my right leg. A huge change and one I’m so pleased to have made. The next change was one I never thought I would make. Never ever. Despite months of nagging, I had constantly put up the barriers and refused to wear running tights.

Winter Runner Kit

Winter running kit, tights (top, middle).

I felt they weren’t right for me and felt comfortable in my shorts. Instead of subtly persuading me, I had a pair sent to me through the post. I tried them on and suddenly felt a bit of empathy for women trying to wrestle themselves into tights on a winter’s day. Tights by name and definitely tight by nature. They definitely seemed to hold things in close. I shoved them to the back of a drawer and told myself they definitely would be going in the next charity bag. However, I decided to try them. Just the once. And I really liked them. I know… I was as shocked then as you probably are right now.

Current status: still in a relationship with running (but also my new running gear!)

Blog by Colin Jeffery (Owner/Director of Iceni Magazine)



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