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Iceni Magazine | February 14, 2025

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Run, Iceni, Run: The Final Countdown

Run, Iceni, Run: The Final Countdown

Two days to go… it truly is the final countdown. I’m feeling all sorts of mixed emotions.

Not only will Sunday see me attempt to run my very first marathon, it’s also my first ever race. People have been sharing stories of their first races and describing the crowds, the atmosphere and ‘the wall’. I have yet to experience people shouting my name in public… unless I’ve done something wrong. It is all feeling very overwhelming right now. I’m probably still knackered from the weekend too as my partner’s daughter had a sleepover to celebrate her seventh birthday!

I thought I would share with you my plans for the next few days.


No run planned. I’ve convinced my amazing partner to cook my favourite pasta dish for me tonight. For many months, this was always the fuel I had the night before a big run. As I’m carb-loading now, it seems only fitting that she supports me by cooking this for me. Whoever thought that something as simple as pasta, chicken stock, mushrooms, peas, cream and prosciutto could be so tasty? I’m salivating now writing about it…


haribo shop

We are hoping to travel up to York in good time and arrive so that I have chance for a little run. More carbs planned for both the journey and tea – pasta is the order of the day! If we get there early enough, I might even find time to venture into the Haribo outlet shop – well, I have to have energy, don’t I?


race day porridge

Race day. I have my porridge packed and plan to eat that for my breakfast at around 7am. I hope to get to the starting pen at around 8.30am, in preparation for the mass warm up and then the start at 9.30am. I’m envisaging feeling a mixture of sick, fear, anxiety, dread… as well as a small amount of excitement. Certainly, I’m looking forward to reaching the end and downing the free pint of alcohol-free beer!


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