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Iceni Magazine | July 24, 2024

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New Year, New Home – 4 fab home improvement tips for 2020

4 fab home improvement tips

It’s a brand new year, so you’ve no doubt started planning some projects for the year ahead.

And top of that list should be improving your home – it’s the one place you can truly call your own and it should change and grow with you.    

However, finding the time to come up with fresh and stylish design ideas that adequately enhance your household aesthetic can be difficult.

So here are four top tips to help you improve your home during 2020.

  1. Get creative with lighting

If there’s one thing that really makes a house feel homely, warm and cosy, it’s lighting. So if it’s something you’ve overlooked in the past, now’s the time to start getting creative.

For example, rather than rely on your main ceiling light, it’s worth investing in lamps as they allow you to accentuate specific features and save energy too.  

Another good idea is to get some dimmer switches – you can control the light levels in each room discretely and create the appropriate ambience for any given occasion.

  1. Get out the paint

It might sound obvious, but when it comes to home improvement, adding a lick of paint to your walls is often a good call. If this sounds like a bit much for you however, you can employ the services of a reputable professional company like

Introducing a new colour scheme can completely transform the look, feel and character of your home, so check out a paint supplier such as Dulux and try out some tester pots. 

Alternatively, if you’re happy with your current colour choices, you can always repaint your walls in the same colour and enjoy your walls looking fresh and fabulous once again.

  1. Up your curtain game

The importance of curtains in the home cannot be overemphasized. Far from being practical items that afford privacy, they’re a crucial soft furnishing that can make your home look super stylish from both the inside and out. 

For rooms with a neutral colour scheme, curtains are your opportunity to really makes your walls pop and lift the room. So don’t be afraid to opt to for bright colours or vibrant patterns that capture the attention of anyone who walks through the door.

If you’re not sure where to begin in your quest for curtains, head to a homeware store such as Ponden Home and get inspired.

  1. Revamp your garden

Don’t fall into the trap of focusing solely on your home interior. Spring is just around the corner, so your garden needs to look the part too.

There are plenty of simple steps you can take to breathe new life into your garden, such as planting some flowers, putting up lights or painting your fencing.

Alternatively, you could try something major such as resurfacing your garden. It’s a great way to create a strong aesthetic statement. So if you’ve got grass, consider buying some gravel from an aggregate supplier such Marchington Stone and laying that down – it looks great and it’s low maintenance too.


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