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Iceni Magazine | February 9, 2025

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4 Tips to Help Keep You Sane During Your Home Renovation

4 Tips to Help Keep You Sane During Your Home Renovation

Renovating a new property or your home can undoubtedly be a very stressful time.

You could easily find yourself frantically juggling a hundred to-do lists whilst all the while trying to keep the project within your budget and time frame. Unfortunately, it is rare to experience the dream remodelling as things just simply don’t go to plan sometimes. However, there are some steps you can take both before and during the renovation to relieve a lot of the pressure and limit the possibility of being handed surprise bills.

Follow these home renovation tips to keep your project for the dream house from becoming a nightmare.

Take advice from family and friends

You should take time to fully research into the contractors you are going to be using. The best place to begin looking is actually through the recommendations of friends, families and colleagues as they will be able to provide you with suggestions you can actually trust. If you don’t have any connections in the area you are planning your renovation make sure you thoroughly check the contractor’s insurance and references– not just for the quality of work they have completed but also to inquire how reliable they were.

Have a strong plan in place

As exciting as starting your new project can be, you need to resist the urge to get started as soon as possible before you have properly planned the details with your architect and contractor. You need to have their professional advice on projected expenses and time frames to help you avoid disappointment. Once you have actually begun the work keep the project on target by breaking the work up into bite-sized chunks and setting time and budget frames for each of them, so they are easier to keep track of.

Stay in the Know

It is important that you make sure you have basic understandings of the processes your house is undergoing and the materials and machinery your contractors are charging you for. If you are unsure of what machinery your contractors are intending to rent for your project it is a good idea to use LGSE’s website to read up on the equipment to make sure that you are being kept fully in the loop and understand why and if they actually need the pieces of equipment that they are charging you for.

Keep up your motivation

As silly as it may sound, you will be surprised how satisfying it can be if you document the entire project. When your motivation begins to falter you can look back on the ‘before’ photos and realise just how far you have come. It can also be a great idea to regularly post your house renovation updates online to get encouragement from friends and family who will notice differences you may be too busy to see! The final tip of this guide is to make sure you make an effort to get out of the house sometimes! You have to take breathers from the work and make time for your life outside of the renovation chaos, or you could find yourself becoming all consumed with trolling the internet for the perfect bathroom taps at 2 o’clock in the morning. Take time completely away from the project with your family and friends and put a topic ban on discussing anything house renovation related- including those granite kitchen counters that have arrived in the wrong colour.

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