Moving from Scotland to Norfolk for Work–Here’s What to Do
For some people, staying in one place for the rest of their lives is exactly what they want.
For others, the chance to explore new opportunities and new cities/towns is much more their speed. Maybe you currently live in Scotland and you’ve decided you want a new adventure, and a new chapter in life, so you went and got yourself a brand new job in Norfolk.
While this is quite the move and there is a lot to do in order to prepare, with the proper planning it doesn’t have to be a stressful situation. Instead, it can be an exciting time in your life where you embrace all the future has to hold. In order to help you out here’s a few tips that you can use that will help you prepare for your big move.
Things to Remember to Do Before You Move
The first thing is to ensure you have enough packing boxes. You can never have enough. Get bubble wrap, tape to secure the boxes, and a marker pen to note what’s in each box. Now before you go and pack up all your belongings, it’s a good idea to do a purge. Why pay to have everything shipped to your new address if you won’t even be using all the items.
When purging, experts suggest you make three piles – donate/giveaway, trash, and keep. Everything can then be labelled or put in the correct pile which will help you to stay organized. By the time you finish purging you should have a whole lot less that you need to pack up.
Remember to redirect your post to the new address in Norfolk. It’s a life-saver. Change the address on your driving license too. Update your bank and other companies/contacts about the move. Transfer the phone number and the internet. And turn off the utilities, pay the final bills, and have the address changed over on the last day.
Finally you may want to have a last hurrah with friends and family, a sending off party if you will. Chances are you house will be a mess of boxes, so why not plan it at a favourite local pub or restaurant that is comfortable and cosy. Be sure to get everyone’s addresses and social media contact information so you can stay in touch.
How to Sell Your Property
Unfortunately there is one thing that can throw a wrench in your plans of moving and that’s selling your current home. You have a choice. You can either go ahead with your move and take the job offer, renting your property while you’re gone, you can wait to sell your home, or you can sell your home to FastBuy Properties and call it a day without any stress or worry. It really depends on how urgently you need to move and whether or not you want to deal with the hassles of renting out your home.
When you have a great job offer in this job market, take it! Even if it means changing location; you’d be foolish not to.