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Iceni Magazine | February 14, 2025

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Increase The Efficacy Of Your Adwords Campaigns

Increase The Efficacy Of Your Adwords Campaigns

Google AdWords is a great way of making sure your products and services appear in front of the customers that are most interested and likely to convert.

However, they can, like most other forms of marketing, be complicated to get right and ensure the very best ROI. The good news is there are some strategies that can help with this. Read on to find out what they are.

Seek help from the experts

First of all, there is nothing wrong with admitting that you need a little support when it comes to Google Adwords. Indeed in the next sections, you will see just how detailed and specific you will need to be to get the results you want.

Of course, the best place to seek help with your Adwords campaign is with someone that has plenty of experience and expertise in the field. We are talking about someone like this that specialises in Google AdWords Coaching and has been teaching it to business people for over 10 years. The benefit of going for coaching rather than having someone just complete it all on your behalf is that you will develop that in-depth understanding of how Google AdWords works which you can then use to continue to refine your campaign and to help plan your next one.

Don’t forget negative words have power too

In life, negative words often feel as if they have the most power. The funny thing is that when it comes to Google AdWords most people just focus on the keywords that they are looking to match. However, it’s important to remember that add negative words, that is words that you want to avoid matching for too.

This is because using negative keywords in this way helps to weed out people that have a low chance of buying your product. Thereby increasing the efficacy of your campaign.

Use as much detail as possible.

There is a reason that Google offers Expanded Text Ads (ETAs). It’s because they work in a very effective way. The reason for this is that the additional information that you can include, once again, makes any matches far more accurate, and even begins the conversion process for you. In fact, by using ETAs you can begin to build an entire story around your product in the add stage.

For example, by making proper use of the headline 1 and 2 spaces you can convey value propositions, and keyword themes, all of which confirm to the user that they have found precisely what they are looking for.

Similarly, by completing the description lines you can expand on how your products match the needs of the user, thus beginning the conversion process at the point of click through.

Focus on mobile

It is the same story for all forms of digital marketing including AdWords – mobile platforms are most popular with users, and so convert more, so anything you produce needs to be optimized for this. To that end, you may wish to separate your AdWords campaign to get the most out of your mobile audience as you can.

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