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Iceni Magazine | May 21, 2024

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Important E-Commerce Takeaway Tips for 2018 Entrepreneurs

Important E-Commerce Takeaway Tips for 2018 Entrepreneurs

If you have recently established a sales-related website, congratulations are in order.

The world of online commerce has already made headlines this year and its presence shows no signs of abating. Many would argue that the most important step is creating a website from the ground up. While this might be true from a psychological point of view, it is an undeniable fact that the “nuts and bolts” found behind the scenes will ultimately determine your success. This is why appreciating the latest e-commerce tips is logical if you hope to remain ahead of any competitors. What are some recent recommendations and how can choosing the appropriate ecommerce platforms positively affect your profits in the future? 

Finding Your E-Commerce “Goldilocks” Zone 

What might be perfectly suited for one online sales platform could be irrelevant or even damaging to another. Many start-up business owners are confounded with this seemingly daunting scenario. How can they ever discover the appropriate approach for their needs? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question. You will need to experiment, experiment and experiment some more. 

Much like bringing a metal detector into the woods to discover ancient coins, patience and flexibility are both required. You will need to ascertain which advertisements resonate the most with your audience as well as which formats and images tend to receive the most positive responses. Many entrepreneurs prefer to focus solely upon developing their website during this initial stage. While proper coding and site management is important, the first step is to make others aware of what you have to offer. It is wise to expect this experimentation phase to last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. 

Selecting the Best Sales Platform 

E-commerce software comes in all shapes and sizes. While this provides you with a nearly unlimited number of options, a potential drawback might exist. As every system claims to be the best, how are you to know which one to select? The truth of the matter is that you require a software package that is able to be adapted to your discrete requirements. Still, it should be easy to work with and implementation must not present an issue. Let’s not forget that the the checkout process is arguably the most important step within your larger sales pipeline. Those who want to leave nothing to chance will often opt for the services provided by Shopify

This firm is a well-known provider of modern e-commerce software and entrepreneurs will undoubtedly benefit from its features. Some notable utilities include: 

  • Real-time inventory tracking.
  • 24/7 customer support.
  • Customised themes and templates.
  • HTML and CSS editing capabilities.
  • A mobile-friendly layout.

This cloud-based software is also entirely scalable, so it can be upgraded or downgraded as you may see fit when the time is right. 2018 should represent a rewarding year for online entrepreneurs and with such tools at your disposal, finding your digital “Goldilocks” zone is only moments away.


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