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Iceni Magazine | May 16, 2024

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6 Tips To Make Your Ecommerce Website More Secure

6 Tips To Make Your Ecommerce Website More Secure

It is common knowledge that e-commerce is a fast-growing industry worldwide, with analysts estimating that it would account for nearly one-third of all retail sales in the UK by 2024.

Consumers appreciate the ease of purchasing products and services for the comfort of their home, so setting up an ecommerce website is undoubtedly worth considering along with utilising the best secure VPN. However, many security issues plague the online shopping industry, so it is critical to take practical steps to secure your website from attacks. Here are six tips to help you protect your e-commerce website.

1. Update your website

As hackers find more ways to create security breaches, software manufacturers and app developers introduce better ways to fix them. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your website updated with the latest updates and security patches as soon as they are available. Besides keeping your website secure, updates also ensure that your e-commerce business runs smoothly, so keep this in mind. For this, you can turn on automatic updates to ensure that your website receives the latest and best protection against security breaches. Keeping your site updated is especially crucial if you are using WordPress themes or plugins. Stringent security isn’t WordPress’ strong suit, so the best you can do is update the software frequently.

2. Use a third-party payment processor

A reported 65,000 hack attempts are directed towards small to medium-sized businesses in the UK daily. Cyberattackers behind these hacks target these enterprises to steal and use various sensitive customer data to their advantage. Consequently, many experts agree that the best way not to lose any client data is not to have any. Therefore, do not collect any of your customers’ private data on your site unless it is vital. Also, use third-party payment processors to handle all transactions on your website. Many payment gateways and processors offer hosted check out for e-commerce businesses, ensuring that your customers are redirected to a new domain when checking out on your website. Hosted checkout pages are more secure since the payment processor takes payment directly, reducing the likelihood of stolen data. In addition, it reduces your liability, allows you to receive your cash through multiple payment methods, and increases clients’ trust in your brand.

3. Monitor your downloads and integrations

As an e-commerce business owner, being able to download and integrate tools, plugins, and apps directly to your website is undoubtedly a good thing. However, it is prudent to know what you are downloading and using because hackers often hide malware in these add-ons to infect e-commerce websites. Also, your website may be unintentionally left vulnerable to cyber attacks due to various plugins not being fully optimised with your software. Therefore, carefully monitor your downloads and integrations to ensure that you aren’t using anything that puts your website at risk. Consider learning how to delete your Facebook pixel or similar analytical tool if you have concerns at all. 

4. Use secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS)

HTTPS is an online protocol for safe communication over the internet. It is one of the best and most practical ways to protect your ecommerce website from fraud. HTTPS sites typically have closed green padlock icons in your browser’s address bar, and they are considered safe because they are verified. To enable HTTPS, you need to get a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for your small business from a third party to enjoy better prices and additional security features. HTTPS assures customers that your site isn’t a fake one hosted online to trick them into giving away credit card information, access credentials, and many other sensitive data. In addition, you can enjoy more website visitors since Google ranks HTTPS sites higher in its SERPs.

5. Select a secure e-commerce platform

Security for e-commerce businesses starts with choosing the right platform to host your website. Consequently, prioritise safety when selecting an e-commerce platform in addition to convenience, functionality, and range of design. You can stick to trusted platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento, known for their high-security protocols for sellers and buyers. Additionally, think about how viable your preferred platform is in the long term, and consider how often security patches and other updates are released to ensure the platform’s constant security.

6. Invest in a great website application firewall

A Website Application Firewall (WAF) is critical to your e-commerce site’s safety because it protects against SQL injections, forgery requests, and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. A great WAF can also secure your site from hacking attempts and lower your risk of suffering a DoS or DDoS attack. Fortunately, there are numerous great WAFs out there, so find one that fits your needs and budget. Sucuri, AWS WAF, and Cloudfare WAF are some of the top choices to consider.

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