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Iceni Magazine | May 21, 2024

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How To Travel with Your Baby on Public Transport

How To Travel with Your Baby on Public Transport

As a new parent, navigating public transport with your baby can seem like an impossible task.

Whether you are visiting relatives or just catching up with a friend or loved one, there are a number of steps you can take to streamline the entire experience. Continue reading to find out how to travel with your baby on public transport.

Avoid rush hour if and when you can

Public transport can be nerve-wracking enough without the added stress of rush hour traffic. By making an effort to avoid peak travel times and dodge busy commuters, you can ensure your journey is calm and unproblematic for you as well as your child. This applies to both morning and evening rush hours. Timeframes vary from city to city as well as seasonally but usually include between the hours of 7am and 9am and 4pm and 6pm.

Ensure your pushchair is public transport friendly

A pushchair can be your worst enemy on public transport. As the largest carry-on item, it can be difficult to transport it in a way that benefits both you and your fellow commuters. As a non-driver or frequent public transport user, you must take this into consideration when shopping for pushchairs. To familiarise yourself with pushchairs available to buy, you must research reputable manufacturers in your local area or extend your search online.

Plan your journey around your baby’s routine

As a parent, you will be familiar with your baby’s daily routine. Planning your journey around key checkpoints in his or her schedule can streamline the public transport experience for you as well as your child. For example, if you are travelling with a young baby, it may benefit you to travel when they usually take a nap. If your baby is not a napper, try to travel when they are at their happiest. Nobody knows your child’s routine quite like you.

Pack everything you may need 

When it comes to travelling with a baby, preparation is key. As a result, you must pack everything you may need and more. To do so, think of each possible scenario that may arise and pack accordingly. This includes snacks, nappies, wipes, drinks, spare clothes, books, and toys. Essential items must be within close reach at all times such as in accessible pockets or on top of your bag.

Reserve a seat if and when you can

There is nothing worse than seeing your train pull up and realising it is packed to the brim. As a parent with a pushchair, this is not only an inconvenience but a danger to you and your baby. If you are due to travel on a long journey, it may benefit you to book a ticket and reserve a seat in advance.

Public transport is one of the greatest challenges you can face as a new parent. By avoiding rush hour if and when you can, ensuring your pushchair is public transport friendly, planning your journey around your baby’s routine, packing everything you need, and reserving a seat if and when you can, you can master the art of travelling in public with your baby and plan ahead for future journeys.


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