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Iceni Magazine | February 8, 2025

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Starting Young with Music

Starting Young with Music

Research has shown that music is beneficial for the brain development of a child.

There are visible signs of progress when it comes to their reading and writing abilities, more imaginative and artistic, more skilled in Mathematics. They gain self-confidence and are more sociable. They learn how to be patient too. This is why more and more parents are inclined towards introducing their children to the world of music as early as they can.

There are certain ways to motivate a child to enjoy music. Because of all its benefits, getting your young ones to love it is such an excellent idea. Here are some tips you could use.

Sing to your kids

Many expectant mothers sing to the babies in their womb. They believe their unborn child can hear it. That may very well be true. We sing lullabies for babies to sleep. The reason why is because music has a calming effect. As they grow, singing to them and inviting them to sing along with you is a great way to give them that push. Kids will always equate music with happy times, and singing together is always a happy time.

Get them to dance

Another activity that spells enjoyment is dancing. It doesn’t matter that you think you are clumsy or that they are. It is merely the experience of having fun to the beat of dance music. You may even discover that your child would be interested in taking dance lessons. There could be some hidden talent just waiting to be seen.

Get them to play an instrument

Children would love to be able to play a musical instrument. It is common to see such young musicians playing just as beautifully as their older counterparts. Children can even learn faster. Like sponges, they quickly absorb what they hear and what they see. They can focus better, especially when they have a good teacher. There are so many instruments to pick from, depending on what your child is more interested in. A good instrument to start with is to learn to play violins and other string instruments. Worldwide, there are more than 300 different instruments that are string instruments, that your child could begin to learn. It would make sense to start with the basics, and gradually work up the ladder to a more complex instrument. When learning any type of instrument, not just string, it is important to be patient, and just keep practising. The more time you dedicate to the new-found hobby the better!

There are so many instruments to pick from, depending on what your child is more interested in. One fun instrument is the banjo. Find out more about banjo lessons on how to play banjo.

Make them listen to good music

There is nothing like good old classical music when it comes to forming a foundation for your child’s musical literacy. Just the same, a child can listen to just about any genre and ultimately pick their favorite. Having music playing at home provides a certain kind of peace and harmony within its walls. It can also evoke happy thoughts and keep a child even-tempered. Music has that particular kind of magic.

Music is one of the best expressions of feelings and emotions. It is a form of communication that has no barriers. Children should be able to gain all of the benefits of this form of art. It will build up their morale and self-reliance, making them friendlier and easy to be with. Starting them out early is the perfect way to help them discover their talents and use them. It will teach them how to share what they have and provide them with self-fulfilment.

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