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Iceni Magazine | July 26, 2024

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How to Recruit the Right People for your Growing Business

How to Recruit the Right People for your Growing Business

Do you want to recruit the right people for your growing business team?

If so, then there are a few steps you need to take, in order to make sure that you make the best decisions possible. Take a look below to find out more.

Define what you Want

The first thing you need to do is define what it is you want. If you need a new Director of Operations then this job won’t be the same everywhere, in fact, there are millions of different versions of this job. Not all of them will be a good fit for you, so make sure that you keep this in mind. One way for you to make sure that you are getting team members who can grow with your company would be for you to go through a recruitment agency. This is especially the case if you are in need of supply chain recruitment.

Think about the Skills You Need

Another thing you need to do is give some thought to the skills you need. It can be tempting for you to hire people who are somewhat similar to you, but at the end of the day, it is far better to seek people who have skills that complement your own. If you are driven by your vision but don’t care much for logistics, then hiring someone who gets satisfaction from this kind of work will help a lot.

Consider How the Role Could Change

Another thing you need to do is consider how the role might change. If you intend to grow the business then this will probably happen with time. Think about it, do you want someone ambitious who is going to work their way up the company, or do you need someone who has experience, right now? By considering things like this, you can make it easier to get the results you are looking for.

Use Social Media

It is so important that you have a solid network. Social media sites, such as LinkedIn are fantastic for networking but it is safe to say that it is not for everyone. If you are well-connected, you may be able to put your job out there and have people apply right away, but if you don’t have a lot of connections or if you do not have an audience already then the work you’d need to put in to get the results you need, might not be worth it.

Don’t Rush

Understandably, you want to find someone who can work for your company, but you should not rush the process. If you do, then you may find that you are not able to get the right person for the job and that your employee leave-rate soars. One way for you to work around this would be for you to take into account the personality of who you are hiring, how they fit the role, why they want to work for you and more, so you can make the best choices.

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