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Iceni Magazine | July 24, 2024

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What to consider when buying a second-hand phone

November 24, 2022 |

The second-hand phone market has grown over the last decade, with an explosion of new mobile technology being announced every year.

Many look toward selling their old phone in order to finance their leap into the latest mobile … Read More

Four in 10 families now have more rows about their internet use than they do about what to watch on TV

May 12, 2022 |

Four in 10 families now have more rows about their internet use than they do about what to watch on TV – as the typical house juggles NINE connected devices at once.

A poll of 2,000 parents found … Read More

The importance of teaching young people how to code

April 22, 2022 |

Coding is programming a computer to understand commands given by the user.

A large number of devices now rely on computers to function, and coding is used across almost every industry.

With digital technology only set … Read More

Vtech’s Genio My 1st Laptop

December 5, 2021 |


Leading electronic toy brand, VTech, is thrilled to unveil the Genio My 1st Laptop, a safe, educational laptop suitable for children from 5 years.

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Why smartphones are a crucial gadget for businesses

November 18, 2021 |

Smartphones have become an important part of the success a business can have due to so many people now using smartphones each day for different things.

It seems all the big industries around the world have realised how … Read More

Top Electronics To Have in Your Home

September 12, 2021 |

Your home is where you should feel comfortable and relaxed, which means that it shouldn’t be cluttered with electronics.

You only need to have essentials and dispense with things you do not need. Here are the top electronic … Read More

4 Great Ways To Sell Your Unwanted Junk

July 21, 2021 |

In this consumerist age we live in, it’s easy to grow bored of your old stuff.

New dresses quickly become stale, your brand new telly rapidly looks worn out to your eyes, and the PS4 game you purchased … Read More

Brits are sitting on technology worth £16.5 billion that they no longer use – and it could DROP in value by £3.5 billion over the next year

July 8, 2020 |

Brits are sitting on technology worth £16.5 billion that they no longer use – and it could DROP in value by £3.5 billion over the next year.

Researchers found the typical adult has a staggering £598 worth of … Read More

‘Technophobe’ Brits have learnt new tech skills during lockdown

May 5, 2020 |

‘Technophobe’ Brits have learnt new tech skills during lockdown – including how to video call, send a group text and even use their computer to make a phone call.

Research polling 2,000 adults found a quarter previously avoided … Read More

Eight in 10 Brits would be embarrassed to admit they fell for a scam, research has revealed

March 12, 2020 |

Eight in 10 Brits would be embarrassed to admit they fell for a scam, research has revealed.

Dating scams topped a list of criminal tactics people would be most reluctant to talk about if they got caught out, … Read More

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