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Iceni Magazine | February 14, 2025

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What to consider when buying a second-hand phone

second-hand phone

The second-hand phone market has grown over the last decade, with an explosion of new mobile technology being announced every year.

Many look toward selling their old phone in order to finance their leap into the latest mobile phone models.

For example, there are plenty of places where you can sell an iPhone X in order to get the latest model of iPhone and get the latest mobile Apple experience.

This means that there are plenty of top-quality second-hand phones for you to purchase if you’re looking to save money on your next phone. We’ll be taking you through some of the key considerations so you can buy a second-hand phone with confidence. Just don’t forget screen protectors and phone cases such as those with cute cat designs for iPhones and android phones. The last thing you want to do is go through the process twice and pay out double due to accidental damage when it could have been prevented. 

The difference behind second-hand and refurbished

There’s a key distinction to be made between refurbished devices and second-hand ones.

Second-hand mobiles have typically had a previous owner who has used the device for a period of time, and then sold this on to a third party who has reset the device and sold it on.

Refurbished phones have usually been returned with some form of fault or damage, which a manufacturer or third party has then fixed to ensure its quality, tested the device, and sold it on.

However, both devices will be in the best quality possible with their software freshly installed so that the new owner will get the experience a brand new phone would offer. You can view available stock at WeSellTek.

Second-hand phone grades

During the checks and testing which second-hand and refurbished phones are put through, they’ll be graded according to their condition. This will evaluate their physical condition against a range of criteria and be categorised into one of three groups:

  • Grade A/Pristine: These phones are visibly indistinguishable from brand new models with a flawless exterior and screen.
  • Grade B/Very Good: While still looking almost as good as new, there may be one or two marks on these phones if you look carefully.
  • Grade C/Good: Everything is function and the exterior is still of a decent quality, there may be light cosmetic damage or marks (nothing a case can’t help hide).

These serve as a way of benchmarking the price for the phone as well, although all will be cheaper than a brand new, fresh-from-the-factory model.

Grade A phones will cost close to a new model given the fact they’re almost identical, while Grade B and C phones will be tiered down in price – which is especially handy if you’re looking to grab a bargain.

Warranties on second-hand products

Nearly all retailers of second-hand and refurbished mobile phones will offer an initial warranty which covers electric and technical faults, usually for the first year of ownership.

That means that if anything randomly goes wrong with the phone internally, such as it stops charging or the internal workings stop functioning, the company may be able to organise a replacement. These warranties don’t cover wear and tear, water damage, or other accidental issues like phone insurance can, so be sure to take good care of it.

You can likely find almost any phone on the market as second-hand or refurbished, so if you’re happy to save money by considering those options then browse second-hand stock before committing to a brand new phone.

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