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Iceni Magazine | July 24, 2024

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Five of the best gaming laptops in 2019

December 3, 2019 |

Gaming laptops have progressed impressively in recent years.

Whilst their desktop counterparts are rigidly placed machines, gaming laptops ensure that your favourite games – whether it be PC or online – can be played wherever you want to … Read More

Three quarters of photos taken on mobile phones are never looked at again

April 26, 2019 |

Three quarters of photos taken on mobile phones are never looked at again, it has emerged.

Forgotten selfies, hot dog legs and ‘alternative angles’ are among those most likely to be discarded, according to the study by Plusnet … Read More

Why Leasing Everything Is The New Trend

April 23, 2019 |

It’s a relatively new trend that we lease and rent a lot more of our ‘possessions’ than in the past and this has become more and more the case with the rise of the internet, it is so much easier … Read More

A car which can climb walls and step over holes could transform the way we operate in disaster zones

January 8, 2019 |

A car which can climb walls and step over holes thanks to its robotic LEGS could transform the way rescue teams operate in disaster zones.

More than 10,000 people died in natural catastrophes in 2017, with an estimated … Read More

Brits sitting on almost £3.5 billion worth of unused gadgets in their home

December 19, 2018 |

Brits are sitting on almost £3.5 billion worth of unused gadgets in their home, a study has found.

The average household has old phones, computers, games consoles or TVs gathering dust in drawers, cupboards and even under the … Read More

Modern technology is saving Brits the equivalent of two weeks every year

December 5, 2018 |

Modern technology is saving Brits the equivalent of two weeks every year – or almost two-and-a-half years of the average adult lifetime, a study has found.

A poll of 2,000 adults found the likes of self-service checkouts, internet … Read More

This is how long Brits expect their kitchen gadgets to last

November 13, 2018 |

Brits bank on nine years use from their fridge before it conks out – and at least six and a half years hard graft from their toaster, it has emerged.

Researchers who carried out a detailed study found … Read More

Smile With Playbrush

October 16, 2018 |

Playbrush is an interactive electric toothbrush that connects via Bluetooth to game apps. Children can play fun games with their toothbrush and learn the importance of dental hygiene.

Studies show children who use Playbrush brush their teeth for … Read More

These are the top 20 most common causes of a broken phone screen

October 15, 2018 |

Almost half of all British adults have broken their mobile phone screen, a study has found.

The research, which polled 2,000 mobile phone users, also revealed one in five managed to damage their screen within the first MONTH … Read More

Brits are confused by high-tech automated services which are supposed to make lives EASIER

October 12, 2018 |

Millions of Brits are confused by high-tech automated services which are supposed to make our lives EASIER, it has emerged.

State-of-the-art technology such as automatic tills, self-scanning and unmanned service desks are becoming an increasingly common part of … Read More

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