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Iceni Magazine | February 9, 2025

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5 Recommended Ways to Properly Disinfect your Kitchen

5 Recommended Ways to Properly Disinfect your Kitchen

The COVID-19 crisis has largely reinforced the need for good hygiene.

While washing hands, wearing masks and keeping a safe distance have become the norm, food safety has, as well, come under the lens. Sanitation boils down to the source of food, which is the kitchen. This is where all the preparations and packaging happen.

Note that when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting your kitchen, there are two procedures. The first one is cleaning, which involves getting rid of dirt, and the second one is sanitising, which is about removing pathogens from ingredients or surfaces. If you are looking for cleaver ways to disinfect your kitchen, here, we tell you how to properly disinfect surfaces and food substances.

Use Soap and Water to Clean the Stove

One of the kitchen appliances that can over time accumulate germs and spread infections is the gas stove. After every meal, it is advisable to clean it using a mix of warm water and soap. That way, you will maintain hygiene and a clean kitchen, because the mixture removes dirt and bacteria that could introduce avoidable illnesses. Should you choose to use a kitchen towel to wipe off the residue, ensure it is clean. Otherwise, a disposable paper towel is always the best.

Use Salt and Lemon to Clean Counters

Almost every home has a kitchen counter and slab. This is where most of the food ingredients, including vegetables and fruits are placed. For you to prevent contamination, disinfect kitchen slabs and counters accordingly to ensure that there are no germs prior to the preparation of your recipes. The other surface that comes into play is the chopping board, which must be thoroughly cleaned. Using a mixture of salt and lemon water is one of the top ways of how to clean kitchen surfaces.

Use Veggie Cleaners on fruits and Vegetables

Food safety is not only reliant on a sanitised and clean kitchen. The food ingredients must also pass through a rigorous cleaning process. You want to avoid consuming contaminated food by cleaning your fruits and vegetables well beforehand.

While some home remedies, such as the use of vinegar have not been proven to get rid of germs, others, such as the use of certified veggie cleaners are effective. Most of the tested cleansers get rid of waxes, pesticides and germs. Note, natural products, such as baking soda and white vinegar have not been scientifically confirmed to kill viruses.

Use a soapy Solution and Air Dry Utensils

The utensils and containers food is stored in are highly vital when it comes to food safety. Storing substances, such as flour in a contaminated container can quickly introduce bacteria and disease. For this reason, it is extremely vital to thoroughly clean these containers with a soapy solution and leave them to air dry. Simply place your utensils in your dishwasher and allow them to be disinfected by the high temperature.

Use Vinegar and a Water Based Cleaner on Equipment

Every equipment in your kitchen, including your microwave, mixer, blender, refrigerator and oven must be spotlessly cleaned and sanitised. In this case, you are advised to use a mixture of vinegar and a water based cleaner. This solution can also be used to disinfect the kitchen sink.

For your utensils and cutting boards, you are advised to use a dishwasher to clean and sanitise. However, be sure they are made of non-porous material and are dishwasher-safe. On these surfaces, you can use hydrogen peroxide, which is a proven disinfectant. Also, any cleaning agent containing about 70 percent of alcohol can be used for the same purpose.

If you have to use bleach to clean equipment, be careful to mix only one tablespoon with a whole gallon of water. Use a spray bottle to reach all surfaces and allow them to air dry. Bleach, when used in the right amount, can be highly effective when it comes to killing germs.

Sanitise your Kitchen Today

These are some of the best ways of how to clean kitchen surfaces andraw materials. For your kitchen tools and surfaces, you can use any kind of household cleaner and then rinse with clean potable water. However, you want to avoid bleach, given that it is corrosive and could contaminate your food.

When planning to disinfect the kitchen sink and other areas, you are advised to wear disposable gloves to prevent the germs and bacteria from coming into contact with your skin. If you do not have the gloves, be sure to clean your hands thoroughly with water and soap for not less than twenty seconds. Remember, the sink is a hotspot for germs, especially if you frequently cook meat.

Ideally, the point in cleaning and sanitising food ingredients and surfaces is to keep germs and bacteria off your kitchen at all times. Once your equipment and raw materials maintain high cleanliness standards, you can be sure of a germ-free and health-friendly kitchen.

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