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Iceni Magazine | May 16, 2024

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5 practical benefits of an at-home workout

5 practical benefits of an at-home workout

Working out at home. It sounds like an ideal solution… if you’re dripping with cash.

Everyone has seen dazzling celebrity gyms, packed with designer equipment. The rest of us, meanwhile, have to squeeze trudging off to the local gym into our busy lives. It’s therefore not much of a surprise that 62% of British adults are now classed as overweight. However, many are increasingly turning to the trend of at-home workouts. This may seem like a daunting prospect, but read on and see some of the surprising benefits that await.

You save time and money

Everyone knows that gym membership can be a money pit. Figures suggest that a staggering £448 million per month is wasted in unused gym memberships in Britain alone. Much of this wastage is because in our crowded lives. We simply don’t have the time to add travel onto either end of a workout.

Adding thirty minutes travel to either side of a one-hour workout quickly zaps two precious hours out of the day. It also adds a hidden transport cost to the overall price of your workout. A master of efficiency, a home workout means that all of these fees and wastes are effortlessly avoided. Be sure to make sure you do spend a little money on the right workout gear, though, as comfort is key.

You have freedom to exercise when you want to

A major pulling point of the home workout is the freedom. These days, amongst ever-mounting pressures of work and family, personal freedom is becoming increasingly treasured. However, it’s also becoming increasingly easy to find.

That’s in part because of the wide ranges of high-quality home exercise equipment that is now readily available. It’s also because the Internet has opened the door to a wealth of information and guidance about how to get everything in your home gym absolutely perfect.

These information portals include which is the ideal equipment to invest in, which exercises to do, and how to do them safely. For instance, you may be looking for information about whether an exercise bike is better than a spinning bike, squat rack recommendations, or advice about pilates.

This means that everyone is now surrounded by all of the tools that they need in order to make the dream of home exercise a reality.

You avoid the equipment trap

When it comes to a local gym, many are surprisingly limited for equipment choice. Even when paying for elite private memberships, there’s still a risk that the ideal equipment for your personal needs won’t be available.

And that’s important, because achieving your ideal workout demands the perfect fit in terms of equipment. However, how do you know what you need? Take the time to work out what the best Pilates reformer, treadmill, cross trainer and rowing machines are for you and your needs.

It’s important not to be daunted by the idea of setting up a home gym.

A helpful tip is to bond with a website that offers high quality health and exercise advice. After all, why waste precious time that you’ve just saved by flitting around the Internet gathering tips when others have done the hard work for you?

These sites will have you completely covered with everything you need to know, from how to get started, to fitness goals, to specific workouts, to personalised exercises.

You have better concentration

The benefits of exercise are one of those things that fans love to talk-up. Many claims are made, from exercise lifts depression, improves the metabolism, and increases concentration. For anyone who rarely sets foot in a gym, some of these claims can lead to a raised eyebrow.

However, there are crucial reasons why it should be a central part of everyone’s lifestyle. However, neuroscientists have now shown that exercise really does help the brain.

It releases chemicals that keep cells healthy and cause new ones to grow, physically changing the chemistry of the brain to make it stronger. This has led neuroscientists to find several direct causal links between exercise and increased concentration. If you already work from home, you could find this a surprisingly useful benefit to getting the most out of your day.

It’s the best way to achieve the workout you originally planned

It’s one of the biggest annoyances in the gym. Your circuit is all planned, your soundtrack is ready, you’re raring to go. But someone’s already beat you to it, and now you’re stuck in a queue.

This situation is not only irritating, it’s also bad for your workout. Whether you’re focusing upon cardio or weights, exercise circuits are planned to optimise the fitness benefits.Breaking the pattern also stops those all-important endorphins from keeping you in the mood.

At home, you have complete freedom and flexibility to claim the exercise arena as your own and do your workout your way.

Closing thoughts

They say that getting to the gym is half the battle. From this list, it’s not hard to see why that battle is such a tough one! It’s not only the cost and travel that’s prohibitive, but a whole range of small problems can easily combine to prevent the gym from being the best exercise choice for you.

Exercising from the comfort and privacy of home is an ideal way to embrace exercise, and to take your fitness demands to a new level.

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