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Iceni Magazine | July 24, 2024

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4 Easy Ways To Stay Active Outside The Gym

4 Easy Ways To Stay Active Outside The Gym

Everyone wants to be as healthy as possible, but let’s face it, sometimes working out feels more like something we have to do than something we like.

When was the last time you persevered through a detestable workout regimen? When you are having fun, being active is much easier to maintain.

Let’s face it, not everyone enjoys working out in the gym. Not to mention that not everyone has the extra money to pay for an expensive subscription. Nevertheless, there are a variety of inexpensive methods to stay active throughout the year. The best part is that many of these activities are free and have significant health advantages that can lengthen your life and improve your physical and emotional well-being. Pick your favourite activities, then get active! This time of year is ideal for adopting and upholding a healthier (and happier) way of living. Read on to find out how you can start making exercise more enjoyable on your own terms.

  1. Appreciate the incredible advantages of a long walk

Individuals of all fitness levels can participate in this outdoor sport. A long stroll or walk costs nothing, keeps you in shape, and provides an opportunity to unwind in the sunshine and fresh air of the outdoors. By being focused and quieting your thoughts as you walk, you may transform this activity into a sort of meditation that will help you manage stress and reduce anxiety. Walking provides numerous health advantages in addition to causing your jeans to become a little looser, such as lowering the danger of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis, enhancing blood pressure, and increasing mental wellness.

  1. Ride a bike for both the environment and your health

You can make this outdoor activity as challenging as you like, whether you like more strenuous mountain riding on rocky terrain or would rather enjoy a relaxing ride on the boardwalk by the sea. Additionally, cycling offers a more cost-effective and ecologically responsible way to travel to work, complete errands, or see friends. If you don’t have a bike, several cities offer cheap rentals, bike share and cycle shelters. Cycling works all of the major muscle groups, improves posture, strengthens bones, improves cardiovascular fitness, increases muscle strength and joint mobility, reduces stress, and prevents depression.

  1. Exercise at home to save money

People who reside in seasonal climes cannot exercise outdoors year-round. There are a tonne of free videos available on the internet (YouTube has lots of them, Fitness Blender, for example). Put the coffee table aside and try an HIIT or yoga session online. Toning exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, planks, crunches, and yoga positions are among the equipment-free choices that rely on bodyweight. Exercises using low-cost hand weights and resistance bands are also available. Strength training enhances joint flexibility, lowers injury risk, increases flexibility, and even improves self-esteem and cognitive function in addition to gaining muscle.

  1. Use winter hobbies to stay in shape in the chilly weather

Living in a colder climate can make it challenging to stay active once the cold weather arrives. When it’s chilly outdoors, engaging in winter sports like ice skating, skiing, sledding, and even snowball battles will keep you warm. A terrific low-impact exercise that improves leg muscles without placing too much strain on joints is ice skating. Skiing is a sort of exercise that improves cardiovascular health, deepens sleep, and builds thigh muscles for the more daring. Of course, for a fun way to be outdoors and active during the winter, nothing beats a good ol’ snowball fight or a day sledding down snowy slopes.

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