5 Ideas To Find Core Wardrobe Pieces
The steps toward creating your dream wardrobe can feel like a lot of trial and error, regardless of how you identify.
It seems like you find the perfect shirt or trousers, only to realise it doesn’t go with anything in your wardrobe. The solution is usually to buy more clothes, but that’s rarely the right solution because you end up with a wardrobe of pieces you only wear a few times. Instead, you need to purchase core wardrobe pieces, so consider these tips to achieve that.
Opt For Versatility
Versatility is key for any core wardrobe piece. You want to have something to wear no matter what, so knowing which outfits and items work for multiple occasions is essential. This is why researching jeans manufacturers and similar companies can help you create a reliable core wardrobe. You can do anything with jeans (especially if you live in temperate climates). Similarly, t-shirts and button-downs can look as fancy or casual as you need, depending on the occasion.
Simple But Stylish
Similarly, choosing simple and stylish items can give you more options. You don’t want anything too bold or in your face, as this can distract from the rest of your outfit and make it challenging to pair with other items. Furthermore, it won’t be as versatile as you need, so you’ll only be able to wear it a few times per year. As mentioned, you can make any item look fancier by pairing it with something more formal, such as a t-shirt and blazer combo.
Second-Hand Finds
Second-hand items you can find in charity shops and similar sources are a great way to create a reliable core wardrobe. This is because they tick all the necessary boxes while also managing to be more unique than anything you can buy from the high street. An approach like this is essential if you still want your outfits to stand out, but the second-hand nature means they are more affordable.
Focus On Quality
Fasty fashion has become a major problem for the planet and your wallet. Although the items are affordable, you also need to replace them every few months. Instead, opting for sustainable fashion choices can help you find a variety of core pieces that are designed to last a lifetime. You might feel uneasy about spending a lot of money on a plain T-shirt, but if it’s built to last, you’ll get your money’s worth.
Love Layers
Layering is a fantastic way to improve any outfit, especially at a time when the temperatures are dropping. Women are pretty good at layering, whereas men aren’t as adept and instead simply bundle up whatever they have. This men’s guide to layering is an excellent starting point and can show you how to make the most of vests, jumpers, and scarves to enhance your outfit choices.
Core Belief
Core wardrobe pieces are an excellent way to keep your outfits fresh without spending too much. Often, all you need to do is mix and match a few of your favourites to create something unique for any occasion. So, whether you’re going to work, spending time with friends, or attending a fancy event, you should have something to wear.