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Iceni Magazine | May 16, 2024

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The 4 Parts of Your Business to Focus on During Your Ascension

The 4 Parts of Your Business to Focus on During Your Ascension

Getting a business set up is one of the toughest things we could ever undergo.

Make no mistake, there is a lot that we need to do before that first day of trading, but we also need to ensure that we are focusing on the right areas of the business as we slowly ascend. What are some of the most important things we must pay attention to?

The Website

The most important tool that will increase customer acquisition is your website. Your website is a distillation of your brand and how you engage your target audience. If you want to grow, you need to understand why people purchase from you in the first place. The website can also be prone to misrepresentation, but can also be the first port of call for hackers. The great thing is that these days there’s a variety of website maintenance packages available to guarantee that you are able to look after it properly.  

Your Abilities to Lead

Lots of business leaders find themselves in the enviable position of having to do so much in a very short space of time. Businesses that start with one person who has a vision can find themselves being emasculated by the leader because they are not developing properly. The strength of your abilities to lead will determine how successful your company is. It can be an overwhelming prospect, but if you are to lead your business properly, you need to have strong motivation and integrity that will empower employees rather than strike fear into them, but also fine-tune the skills that will make everybody feel secure in the long run. These include cultivating healthy relationships and ensuring that you can inspire your employees while also protecting them and emboldening them to increase their levels of accountability. Accountability is not just giving them more responsibility with no perks; you’ve got to match the perks with that level of responsibility. It’s so easy to refer to accountability as one of the hallmarks of a modern business, but if you are using this term as an excuse to blame the employees when something goes wrong, you need to take a solid look in the mirror.

Your Culture

Creating an environment that fulfils your company’s vision encompasses a lot, but predominantly it boils down to making sure that your workplace is an enjoyable place to be. Culture is another one of those buzzwords that we can overuse, but if you have a poor company culture, this will have a direct impact on your employees’ output and motivation.

Your Finances

It’s not just about learning to keep track of your expenses, but about recognising that turning a profit and creating a steady cash flow is a fine art. It’s not just about the incomings and outgoings, but about manipulating different aspects of your finances to ensure that you are working to your advantage. Naturally, a great accountant can show you something like allowable business expenses, but if you don’t pay attention to your financial health at the very outset, you could end up falling foul of bankruptcy, which won’t just impact your business, but your life.

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