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Iceni Magazine | February 14, 2025

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Taking Your Next Career To The Next Level: 9 Steps To Success

Steps To Success

It can be challenging to know how to take your career to the next level.

The world of work can be full of fierce competition, so anyone wanting to make a name for themselves will need to rise to the challenge and carve out a place for themselves. Standing out from the crowd can be achieved via a killer CV or resume. If you you sit at the screen, unsure what to write in order to secure that dream role, you may wish to seek support by using the services of a professional resume writer, such as

If you’re ready to take the next steps in your career, here are some tips to get you on the right path. 

Support Your Leaders

It can be beneficial to get the help of your manager and other leaders in the company. To do this, you could start by doing what you can to become indispensable to your company leaders. Mutual loyalty and partnership with management members could help improve your chances of advancement down the line. 

Anticipate Need

It may help to be proactive in identifying the needs of your department and managers. You could consider undertaking some research into the running of the company and offering solutions when issues arise. 

You could volunteer to take on essential work to make your department stand out, particularly if this is work that others are not keen to take on. This may help you show that you are willing to go above and beyond for the company’s benefit. 

Give Honest Advice

It can be frustrating for managers to be surrounded by yes people. Additionally, it can negatively impact the productivity and success of a company. While it may be important to support your manager or leaders in certain circumstances, offering constructive, honest advice and criticism can be invaluable. If your higher-ups ask you for your opinion, aim to give it honestly but tactfully. For example, if you know you could do your job better with a new CNC router, you need to voice that opinion – explain why it would help you and how much more productive you could be. The more information and evidence you can give for something, the more your managers will listen and take note, making your job easier and the company much more successful.

Never Stop Learning

It may help to make an effort to continue your education in whatever way that will benefit your company and make you an attractive hire in your industry. You could look into the courses and skills required of a manager or leader and take whichever you feel you might benefit from most. 

Some skills are helpful for a manager to possess, no matter the sector or industry. Financial literacy, for instance, may help in many ways for someone hoping to become a business leader. You could consider an online finance certificate of completion in a managerial finance course, for instance. Other skills that can be useful are communication, people skills and delegation. 

Accept And Act On Constructive Criticism

Criticism can help you to improve the way you work. It may help to view constructive criticism as a learning opportunity rather than a negative reflection on your performance – after all, few of us get things right every time. Showing your boss that you are open to criticism and, crucially, can learn from it, will help make you stand out. 

Consider Moving Jobs

If you are looking to progress as soon as possible, you might consider moving jobs. Even if you would prefer not to switch jobs, it can help to keep up to date on your industry’s latest salaries and trends. You should also, of course, apply for your dream job if it should come up and you feel ready to do so. The best way to see which jobs are currently hiring is to peruse online job listing boards. For instance, if you’re looking to make headway in the defense industry, you’ll want to check out the available department of defense careers on sites like Jobs With DoD. Similar listing boards exist for almost every industry these days, so it’s never been easier to find that new job you’ve been looking for. 

You might also use a new job offer as leverage to help you along in your current job, particularly if you have made yourself invaluable. It is vital to approach negotiations concerning a new job offer to your current boss with tact and honesty. 

Expand Your Network

Networking can help you to get ahead in the world of work. It may help to keep in contact with previous managers and leadership as they may consider you for future roles. Maintaining a positive relationship with past employers can be beneficial for getting your foot in the door with other organizations in the future. 

You could also attend conferences, trade shows and other industry events to help you expand your network. Where you work with outside contractors, from cleaning professionals to small business SEO experts, keeping a working relationship with them can stand you in good stead later on. It may help to take proactive steps to form strong bonds with your colleagues during work social events.

Have A Plan And Goals

Having a goal to work towards can help to concentrate your energies where they are most needed. It may help to make a list of where you want to be in 20 years. Once you have an idea, you can work back to 15-, 10-, five- and one-year plans, all with the end goal in mind. 

You could share your aims with a trusted boss, who may help mentor you to achieve your goals. They may even be able to put you forward for training and development to help you reach your potential. 

Take The Initiative

It may work in your favor to develop ideas that help the business run more efficiently or improves customer experience. Good ideas can make you shine among your colleagues, so it could be a good idea to be on the lookout for how and where you might help. Being a self-starter is a key attribute that many employers look for and can make you stand out to your boss. 

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