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Iceni Magazine | February 14, 2025

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Swimming Pool Construction Challenges: What Must Contractors Consider?

Swimming Pool Construction Challenges

The UK public may be falling in love with swimming again. In 2019, the rate of closures across the industry decreased, with a stable 3,170 sites existing across the country, within two miles of 84% of the UK population.

Add to this the government’s new focus on getting Britain fit, and we may see local authorities investing in swimming pools alongside private households building greater numbers of them using savings accrued during lockdown.

Swimming pool construction can be a tricky task, however. There are several challenges that must be overcome. So, how can construction businesses and contractors overcome these problems and build strong, reliable pools Brits can enjoy long into the future.

Water egress

The chief task when constructing a swimming pool is stopping the water within the pool from leeching out of the containing structure into the surrounding earth. As such, the walls of pools must be made strong and flexible to withstand usage and weathering, as well our second challenge, hydrostatic uplift.

Hydrostatic uplift

A pool must be able to exert enough force against the upward pressure of water within the ground, both when the pool is full and empty. Conversely, it and the water held within it around it must not be too heavy to sink into the surrounding ground.

Anyone building a swimming pool must balance these two pressures – a complex task. It’s why many contractors consider taking out a construction insurance policy when building a swimming pool so as to guard against the risk of damage during works.

Ground conditions

To design strong and safe pools, the state of the ground they are built within must be properly understood. Different soil types will call for heavy or lighter materials. And the height of the water table can impact hydrostatic uplift too. Resultantly, an in-depth survey should always be conducted.

Drainage systems

Typically, pools must be able to be drained so they can be regularly cleaned by the owner. To ensure that the drainage systems are up to this task, contractors must precisely understand the volume of water that must be drained, how chlorinated it will be, and at what rate the water must leave the pool. These insights inform the choice of piping, as the incorrect size or material can invite damage later down the line.

Safety Considerations

Of course, water safety is always a concern and must be on your agenda near the top. Be sure that you research measures you can put in place to reduce the risk of drowning or any other accidents linked to the pool. For pool barrier safety compliance Melbourne Australia has a great reputation and, although not in the U.K., their advice could certainly be transferable.

Project timings

As with any construction project, the timing and schedule of works must be accurately planned before works begin. Weather, materials delivery, and the schedules of contractors will all weigh in on a project’s overall schedule.

As such, particularly in the case of homeowners embarking on a pool project, it can be a good idea to enlist the services of a project manager to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Clean-up concerns

With such an environmentally invasive project as the construction of a pool, the process of cleaning up and tidying the construction area must be considered. This can be quite a significant task in and of itself, given the presence of excess building materials and the sheer volume of earth excavated during construction.

This is primarily a concern for homeowners. Contractors must make sure their clients are aware that once the pool is constructed, it’s not as simple as filling it up and jumping in, and the project schedule should reflect this task in kind.

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