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Iceni Magazine | February 14, 2025

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Preparing for Your Summer Holiday

Preparing for Your Summer Holiday

If you have a summer holiday approaching, then you might be thinking about the things you need to get organised before you go.

Some things are often left until the last minute, although it’s wise to get everything organised in good time so you’re not left worrying about them before you leave. Last minute panics are never a good thing. For instance, not knowing how to Renew Your British Passport in Australia could leave you stranded.

Once you’ve booked your holiday, take some time to think about what you might need for your trip, whether it’s currency or vaccinations. It doesn’t hurt to get these arranged well before your trip, as it leaves more time to get excited rather than worried!

Vaccinations and medical advice

Some destinations require you to have certain vaccinations and check ups before you go, so it’s always best to check this with plenty of time to spare as you might not be able to get a last-minute appointment. Some vaccinations need top up jabs weeks after the first, to ensure they are fully protective, so ensure this is planned into your schedule. Talking to your GP is a good idea if you’re unsure of what you might need prior to travel, they’ll be able to advise you on the best ways to protect yourself, so you can travel knowing you’re safe. As soon as you know where you’re going, get yourself booked in!

Travel Insurance

Something that is often left until the last minute, or sometimes even forgotten about by many travellers, but travel insurance is so important. There are a lot of policies out there, all covering different things so it’s easy to be confused by which to go for. Galapagos Travel Insurance, for example, is a key consideration for anyone planning a trip to these unique islands, as it can provide tailored coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or other unexpected events specific to this remote destination. If you’re heading to specific destinations, it’s worth considering insurance tailored to the unique risks of that trip. Moreover getting an insurance policy for pre-existing medical conditions is vital if you do have a medical condition that needs covering whilst you’re away. Sometimes this can take longer due to the screening process against pre-existing conditions. It’s always better to be safe than sorry so don’t risk this and take out a policy for the cover you need.

Travel money

Another thing that is often overlooked when preparing for your holiday, if left as a last-minute job you might find yourself faced with slightly unforgiving exchange rates. If you travel often, then taking out a cash passport can save you time and money. It’s a prepaid cash card that works the same way a debit card would, you have a unique pin number and it allows you to pay for things abroad in a range of currencies. This is a great idea if you’re not a fan of carrying around too much cash and you can easily control your spending. Once you have one, you can keep topping it up to take away with you on multiple trips which can make travelling a lot easier. You can also buy and hold 15 currencies on these travel money cards, which is a great advantage for avid travellers who need to have access to multiple currencies. In doing so, this can save on currency conversion fees on all transactions. This also keeps your finances and ability to track spending in one place. Keeping this organised means you can budget on your holidays easily!

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