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Iceni Magazine | May 19, 2024

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Few Points to Consider Before Sourcing Packaging Supplies


If you use a lot of packaging supplies, you realise that you need to source those supplies in order to keep the costs down and the process efficient. There are many things you will need to consider before sourcing your packaging supplies.

Here are a few points to run through your mind as you search for the right company to help you with the supplies.


As is true with anything in your business, you want the cost of the services you render to be reasonable and as low as possible. You want quality packaging supplies you can trust and you should now simply go with the lowest rates without question. But you will want to investigate the costs behind the sourcing companies so you know exactly what you are getting for the price charged. If two companies give the same services with like products, you can then go with the cheaper company. But if you find one company has better products and you need quality, you may have to pay more to get it.


If you need your packaging supplies on a regular basis, keep the location of the sourcing company in mind. It will be cheaper, easier, and faster for you to work with a company that is closer. If you run out of supplied unexpectedly and need to get more on short notice, you are more likely to get the help you need from a company that is close by than you would from a business across the country.


You need to get quality packaging supplies so the things you send out make it to the other side in one piece. In order to find the right sourcing company, inspect the quality of the packaging supplies they wish to provide. If there are certain brands you appreciate working with more than others, find a company that can supply that brand. You should not have to bend your own business’ quality control simply because you decide to source packaging supplies.


Find out what the company provides and compare it to your needs. Do they automatically re-order supplies on a regular basis based on your normal levels of use? Do they send you supplies overnight when needed? Can they take bulk orders on short notice or do they need a certain lead time? Find out all of the options so you know what you are getting into. Once you are in a relationship with a sourcing company, it can be hard, time consuming, and inconvenient to switch to another company. When you are looking for the right sourcing company, choose the right company the first time around and avoid all the headaches that come with switching later.

-Customer Service

Chances are, something will come up in the area of packaging supplies at some point in your relationship with the sourcing company. Before you sign any contracts, inspect their customer service. Are the representatives you talk with helpful and friendly? Do they answer your questions in thorough, polite manner? You might even want to talk to some of their current clients to ask how they are treated once they sign a deal with the sourcing company. You do not want to get lulled into a deal and then treated in another manner after you sign.

Sourcing packaging supplies can save you a lot of time, money and effort, but you will want to make sure you hire the right company, like, for the job. These points will help you consider all of the elements before you choose a company to source your packaging supplies.

Article by Lauren Williamson

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