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Iceni Magazine | July 23, 2024

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The modern safety rules revealed according to parents

modern safety rules

Modern parents are more likely to teach their children not to send ‘nude’ photos to other people than learn their address off by heart or not run by a road, according to research.

Traditionally, the safety rules mums and dads would pass on to their children focused on crossing the road and not talking to strangers.

But thanks to the rise of technology, children are now being taught how to be safe online, with not opening suspicious links, checking with parents before making in-app purchases and not accepting friend requests from strangers among the ‘new’ rules.

Only putting words and pictures in a text message or email that you wouldn’t mind other people reading and not giving out your address online also feature in the top 20 modern rules of parenting.

A spokesman for ESET, which commissioned the study of 2,000 parents, said: “Staying safe nowadays has a whole new meaning.

“Parents may have thought they had it hard keeping their children safe from traffic and strangers, but since the internet took off, there are a host of other dangers.

“As well as learning how to cross the road, it’s also important children now learn how to stay safe online as well.

“But often, children can be at risk from things parents have no idea about – because it wasn’t something they grew up with.”

The study also found eight in 10 parents have hard and fast rules about staying safe for their children to follow.

Almost half of parents have told their kids not to send images of their bodies online, while three in 10 enforce a rule that youngsters shouldn’t write anything in a text message they wouldn’t want their parents reading.

A quarter also tell their offspring not to follow anybody on social media they wouldn’t talk to in the street.

Despite this, worryingly, more than one in 10 parents said their child had sent an inappropriate picture to another person, while more than one in 20 have given out their address online.

And 15 per cent said their child has accepted a friend request on social media or online gaming from someone they didn’t know.

It also emerged six in 10 parents reckon the world in general is more dangerous for children now than when they were young, with 80 per cent saying the internet has increased the risk.

As a result, 81 per cent think the rules of parenting have had to change to fit the modern world.

Three quarters of those polled even said they feel there are now so many dangers in the world for their children, that it’s hard to keep up.

More than four in 10 respondents also believe they are more strict with their children in terms of safety, than their parents were.

Now, they’ll give out eight warnings each week to their children about staying safe online, as part of 11 general rules their kids must follow.

Seven in 10 parents polled, via OnePoll, also try to limit their children’s internet use, in a bid to keep them protected from online dangers.

ESET’s spokesman added: “Of the many dangers to be found online, financial loss is right up there.

“Hackers are very sophisticated in trying to get information from impressionable young people that they can use to their advantage.

“So even if you and your children are perfectly safe in your own home, you may find your bank accounts aren’t.”

To view more about the survey, go to

1. Always look both ways before crossing the road
2. Wait for the green man when crossing at a pelican crossing
3. Don’t take sweets from strangers
4. Don’t go anywhere with a stranger
5. Never text or send other people pictures of your body parts
6. Never run with scissors
7. Don’t open links in an email if you aren’t sure who sent it to you
8. Don’t give out your address online
9. Respect dangerous objects like knives
10. Check with mum and dad before making in-game purchases
11. Never dial 999 for a joke
12. Never run near a road
13. Never look directly into the sun
14. Learn your home phone number and address off by heart
15. Don’t accept invites on Xbox from people you don’t know
16. Don’t let anyone follow you on Instagram / Twitter / FB that you don’t know
17. Don’t enter your email address onto a website unless checking with parents first
18. Never type anything in a text message you wouldn’t want your parents to read
19. Don’t talk to or message people on games consoles you don’t know
20. Don’t try to follow anyone on social media that you wouldn’t talk to in the street / at school

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