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Iceni Magazine | February 8, 2025

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Minimalist home decor trends for this season

Minimalist home decor trends for this season

Here are our top tips to remember when you are moving into a student flat

House movers – If you have many items to move, it may be worth hiring professional house movers to give you a hand, particularly if you are moving across the country or taking most of your belongings and furniture with you. Professional house movers will be able to load and unload your belongings and safely deliver them to your new home. 

Storage unit – Storage units offer a vast range of flexible options, meaning whether you want to hire storage space for a short period or long term, they could work perfectly for your needs. If you are not sure whether your furniture will fit in your new student digs, protect them in a storage unit and wait until you get a feel for the space. If you’re not sure whether you will need all your furniture, don’t throw it away, store it until you know where it can go or save it for selling when you have a chance. If you’re looking for storage units Oxford for your new student home, we have the perfect solution for you. 

Buying boxes – Such a simple thing to remember, and yet whether you are moving into a student home, or you have been on the property ladder for a long time; box buying always seems to get left to the last minute! Ensure you have enough boxes to carry all your items and consider your heavy and fragile belongings as they will need more protection and a much sturdier box! 

Fragile items – So many fragile items get broken in every move, and some of these things can be priceless. Protect your items by wrapping them in bubble wrap or carrying them separately so you can take extra care that no damage comes to them on moving day. 

Organising your belongings ready for your moving day 

Before you get ready to move, you need to be aware of what is already going to be included in your new home so you aren’t doubling up and taking belongings or furniture you may not need. Moving into student digs probably means moving into a small space with no additional storage space. It’s essential in these situations to have a strong sense of what you need and what you don’t need. 

There are some essentials that you’re going to need in your student digs, such as a mattress and bedding, a table and chairs, and a TV. You may also be cooking a lot, so you’ll need pots and pans. It would help if you also got some crockery, cutlery, and glasses, and you may want to consider taking a kettle. Pack yourself an emergency overnight bag that includes all your essentials, so you don’t need to panic if you cannot find your toothbrush or favourite PJs on the first night! 

The first thing you should do when you move into your student new home

You’re finally in! Time to unpack and get yourself acquainted with your new home, any new housemates and the local town or city. Unpack your emergency bag first, so you have everything to hand that you will need for the first night, as this is sure to be a little strange! However, before you get carried away, ensure all your paperwork is in place and you have any important documents you may need. 

Moving into student digs is a great way to build independence and meet new people at university. However, moving can also be a stressful time. There’s a lot to think about with packing, transporting, and unpacking. The good news is there are plenty of ways to make a move a little easier. Whether it’s organising your belongings or making the most of storage, we hope you have enjoyed these valuable tips to help you make a smooth transition to student digs.


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