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Iceni Magazine | July 27, 2024

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Key Tips to Improving the Quality of Your Manufacturing Process

Key Tips to Improving the Quality of Your Manufacturing Process

The quality of your manufacturing process is vital for a successful business.

Without it, you will suffer significant costs, and breach the trust of your customers, which in turn will damage your reputation and bottom line. Every industry around the world is only becoming more competitive, and with innovative technology and global markets, your business has to go above and beyond to secure customers.

The best thing you can do is to ensure the quality of your manufacturing process is high. Many products lack quality, which is where you can fill the gap and stay ahead of your competitors. When customers have a plethora of options to choose from, they are going to choose the one that produces quality. It will keep customers happy and coming back for more, as well as reflect highly on your brand and values.

If you feel like the quality of your manufacturing process could be improved, follow these key tips to help you get started.

#1 Find the right staff

Your employers are going to play a key role in the quality of your manufacturing process. It is important to first begin with hiring the right, and highly skilled staff who possess the relevant experience to get the work done to a high standard. All staff members should be able to work under pressure and be able to demonstrate high-level work at all times.

It is not essential to always hire staff who have experience. It can be just as effective to hire staff new to the industry, on the basis that they are passionate about the industry, willing to learn on the job and work hard. You may choose to train them yourself, so they can learn the ways of the business, or opt for an apprenticeship scheme.

You will also have to invest in time, training and resources to support your employers and consistently review their work and provide them with feedback to continue learning and growing. This will help to significantly enhance their skills, as well as motivation to work for your company, which can reflect positively on the quality of work they produce. You will also need to be a role model, and encourage a culture of quality throughout the business.

#2 Leverage new technology

Emerging technology is going to be key in any quality manufacturing process. As technology grows, so will the quality of your competitors’ products. Technology not only has the power to make processes more efficient but also increase the level of quality that the industry expects. As this level of quality adapts, your business must be at the forefront of this. Outdated technology can often lead to inefficiencies and frustrated employees.

Always stay up-to-date on emerging trends and technology, industry news, and your competitors. Here you will be able to analyse the strengths, weaknesses and gaps in the market to help you improve your quality and services.

#3 Partner with quality suppliers

Your suppliers need to be vetted to ensure they uphold the same quality and values as your business, as their materials are a direct reflection of your business and the quality of the product that you produce for your customers. Make sure you do your research, check for relevant certifications and experience, set up interviews to ensure the quality of communication is present and consistent, they specialise in your industry and ensure their products are of the best quality, for example, a company like ​​Avocet Precision Metals. You can also review their portfolio of work, and see what their previous customers have to say about their work. This can help make the right decision and partner with a company that will work with you to increase quality.

#4 Define what quality means from your customers perspective

Underlying everything you do should be the customer’s perspective of quality. This baseline, once determined, will enable you to work to the right level of quality, and align all business activities in the right way. You will need to engage your customers regularly for feedback that can provide you with valuable insights into their needs, desires, definition and importance of quality, and their expectations. This will ensure you are making changes for the right reasons, and not wasting time, money or resources in the wrong places. You will then be able to create better products that are customer-focused. Your customers should be the heart of everything that you do if you want your business to be successful.

Quality manufacturing is vital for the success of any business, as it reflects your values and the trust your customers will have in you. Implement these top tips to see a significant change in your business activity.

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