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Iceni Magazine | February 14, 2025

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Home Security Gadgets to Keep You Safe

Home Security Gadgets to Keep You Safe

Your home should be your sanctuary; it should be the one place that, no matter what, you can always feel safe.

Unfortunately, many of us do not feel as secure as we could whether because there has recently been a spate of crime in the neighbourhood or because of all the doom and gloom news stories we have been consuming.

The good news is, whatever is causing you to feel less than completely safe at home, there are countless home security systems UK and gadgets that will help you with that. Here are some of the best:


Having cctv installation in clear view on your property can act as an amazing deterrent against crime, and of course should anything untoward happen, your security cameras will capture the criminals so that they can hopefully be caught.

These CCTV solutions from Security Smart UK are simple and effective. They can also be tailored to your specific requirements, which is why they are an important part of any home security package.

Portable door locks

Portable door locks are quite new on the market, but they are fast becoming one of the best home security solutions out there.

These simple gadgets enable you to lock your stuff quickly wherever you are as they can be moved and installed in seconds. They are also if you buy from Glockner, unpickable, which provides you with a high level of protection at home and on the go.

Siren padlocks

Siren padlocks are perfect for keeping your shed secure. They contain a number of sensors that will trigger if someone goes near and tried to tamper with the lock. An alert will be sent to you so you can call the police or do whatever it is you need to do to keep you and your property safe.

Ring doorbells

Ring doorbells are smart doorbells. They connect to your smartphone so you can quickly see who is at your door. This means you can avoid answering your door to anyone who seems a bit dodgy.

Ring doorbells will also alert you when there is activity around your doorbell when you are not home, so you can use them to keep an eye on your property and record anything suspicious when you are not around, too.

Smart deadbolts

Smart deadbolts come with a built-in alarm and enable you to set a unique code that must be entered before they will open. You can operate them via your smartphone and you can grant or deny access to anyone who may try to get into your home from with the touch of the screen, which means if you don’t want someone in, they won’t be getting in.

Barking dog alarm

If you don’t fancy a Ring doorbell, what about a doorbell that barks like a dog when it detects suspicious movements around the food? Dogs are a real deterrent, so if you don’t have one, pretending you do is the next best thing, and some of these bells are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.

Stay safe!

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