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Iceni Magazine | January 21, 2025

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How to Get the Best Deals on Your Summer Holiday

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Seeing as it’s so cold and gloomy outside, no-one could blame you for scouring holiday comparison sites to lift your spirits.

It won’t be long before you’re hopping on a plane to lay your towel beside the pool, soaking up the sun and sipping on a glass of something refreshing. But it doesn’t hurt to start looking at where to go, does it?

If you’re going to book one of many cheap holidays for a break, here are some some tips for ensuring you’ll get the best deal possible…

Book well in advance

If you can afford it and can get organised enough, book up to nine months in advance. Many tour operators are prepared to offer discounts as it means they’re more likely to fill up all the spaces they have without needing to flog them at a cut-rate in the summer. If you’re travelling as a family, for instance, booking in advance is often the best way to get the cheapest deal. Just shop around online first to make sure you’re not paying more than you need to.

Book last minute

That said, you can also get a great deal if you book a holiday very last minute – we’re talking around four weeks before you’re due to fly, or even sooner. Booking last minute can help you to secure Affordable Mediterranean Air Travel (or indeed to anywhere you’d prefer!), beyond this you can also pick up hotel deals and transfers on the cheap if you’re prepared to decide where you’re going at last minute. This is because hotel operators and airlines are trying to get rid of any non movers before they don’t sell at all. You’ll need to be flexible about your dates and destinations if you go down this route, so it’s the kind of trick used most often by couples or singles travelling without kids in tow.

Opt for for a package holiday

Tour operators will provide flights, transfers and accommodation for one affordable price, which means they often offer the best deals on traditional holiday destinations. They’re also usually ATOL protected which means if the company fulfilling your booking goes out of business, you’ll be refunded if you’re yet to actually go on holiday. ATOL protection is an important factor to consider, making it a better ‘deal’ than many people realise: it’s not just about looking at the cheapest price.  

Go outside of the school holidays (if you can)

Another trick for getting a summer holiday bargain is to go outside of the school holidays. Prices rocket when the kids are off school, so if you can jet off while they’re still in the classroom you’ll find it costs you less. However, if you can’t go outside of the school holidays, go in the last two weeks of August. Most families hope to go on holiday before this time of year so they can get back to sort out school uniforms and other things for the back-to-school routine. You can often score a good deal if you buy the school supplies at the start of summer, carving out some holiday time just before September rolls around. Whether you want to visit the Best Western in Inverness, or somewhere else to your liking, always try and book it out of the school holidays!

Calculate the value of going all inclusive

Finally, consider going all-inclusive when you’re looking for a deal. This is a particularly good idea if the exchange rate isn’t very good (you can find out what the exchange rate is on the XE website) or you’re going to a destination that’s notoriously expensive. Many families find that going all-inclusive offers the best deal as it makes feeding everyone much cheaper, and it’s also a good idea if you plan on sampling the cocktail menu while you’re sunbathing! However, if you don’t eat very much or tend not to drink alcohol, going all-inclusive might not be the cheapest option overall. Just spend some time calculating whether it’s worth it for you.

Put these tips into action when you’re booking your summer holiday and see how you get on… you never know – you might save enough money to splurge on a new holiday wardrobe, which will be something else to look forward to when summer rolls around!

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